Mark Pukita Profile picture
Citizen Activist • Ran for Senate in '22 (OH) • Founder: Grassroots Freedom Initiative ('22) • I ask questions • 614-499-0599 (c) • ☦️🇺🇲

Sep 26, 2020, 30 tweets

I promised some videos today to explain, as directly, succinctly, and plainly as possible, the "smoking gun" evidence released by the DOJ (and other sources like the FBI) this week.


I'm going to release them as I get time to do them.

I'll keep them under 2 mins. each.

I hope you can use them with your less-informed friends & family to help them understand how corrupt the Obama-Biden administration was.

Let's start with Part 1: Why Am I Doing This?


Part 2: Explaining the Background of the Criminal Activity of the Obama-Biden Administration

aka "Weaponizing the DOJ, FBI, CIA & NSA Against the Trump Campaign & Administration"


Part 3: How to Organize Your Mind to Analyze This Week's Revelations - Separate the @GenFlynn "Set-Up" Framing from the Trump Campaign "Set-Up" Framing


Part 4: Why Did the Obama-Biden Administration "Set-Up" & Frame @GenFlynn?


Part 5 A: Flynn Evidence Tying Obama & Biden to a Criminal "Set-Up" Frame Job (in 3 parts)


Part 5 B: Flynn Evidence Tying Obama & Biden to a Criminal "Set-Up" Frame Job (in 3 parts)


Part 5 C: Flynn Evidence Tying Obama & Biden to a Criminal "Set-Up" Frame Job (in 3 parts)


Part 6 A: Analysis of William Barnett's 302 (Interview Notes) from His 9/17/2020 Interview at DOJ by FBI Investigators & US Attorneys

This is the introduction and will have many parts to it as it's extremely important & enlightening.


Here's the link to the 302 download referenced in the tweet above:…

Part 6 B: Agent Barnett Explains How He Saw No Criminal Evidence in These Investigations Until the Fake "Steele Dossier"


Part 6 C: No Evidence Against Flynn & First Mention of the "Logan Act" as Part of this Charade


Part 6 D: Barnett "Cut Out" of Flynn "Set-Up" Entrapment Interview by FBI of January 24, 2017


Part 6 E: Jean Rhee First Appears - Massive Conflict of Interest - Hillary's Lawyer & Donor - She's Clearly After Flynn - Barnett is Not a Fan (To Sat the Least)


Part 6 F: Comey Fired - Barnett Feels Investigations Coming to an End - SURPRISE! Robert Mueller Appointed & Everything Changes!


Part 6 G: The Two "Get Trump" Aspects of the Investigations by the Special Counsel's Office (SCO)


Part 6 H: Weissmann Appears to be Evidence Fabricator in Chief According to Barnett


Part 6 I: Barnett's Numerous Comments about the Bias, Groupthink, and "Fact & Truth Blindness" of the SCO "Super Star" Lawyers on Mueller's Team


Part 6 J: Barnett Explains the Odd Way this Investigation was Run vs. a Regular Investigation


Part 6 K: Wrapping Up Barnett's Interview & His Conclusions: NO COLLUSION & this was All About "Getting Trump"!

Next, on to the most stunning news from this past week.



Here's a little teaser on what's to come. Download this to be prepared for my analysis later today, or more likely tomorrow!!!…

I case you're wondering, YES, THIS IS THE "SMOKING GUN"!!!






Part 7 A: Introduction: The Significance of Barr's Letter to Graham Declassifying the Primary Source for the Steele Dossier


Part 7 B: The 2009-2011 Investigation by the FBI of the Person Who Later is Identified as the PRIMARY Source in Christopher Steele's Dossier


Part 7 C: FBI Investigation of Steele Report's PRIMARY SOURCE for Spying on America 2009-2011 - FBI Knew His Connection to "Steele Dossier" in DECEMBER 2016!


Part 7 D: Detailed Information from the "Full Investigation" Opened by the FBI Into the Spying by Christopher Steele's Primary Source for the "Steele Dossier" - "The Guy's a Spy"


Part 7 E: Timing & Why People Needs to Go to Jail!


Part 7 F: Closing the 2009-2011 Investigation on the Steele Source Who Was a Russian Spy


Part 7 G: Conclusion - The FBI Knew the Dossier Was BOGUS in December 2016 yet Carried-on with the Investigation. Who's Going to Pay the Price? Who's Going to Jail?


This wraps-up my analysis of the 3 important document releases from last week.

We expect more this week.

As they are made public & after I review & analyze them, I'll do more explainer-videos like these.






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