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Sep 27, 2020, 9 tweets

Kudos to @NACAC & @AngelBPerez for sharing data on who belongs to the organization. It left me wondering how well the organization represents the field of admissions and, as in all things, who gets best represented and wields power in the field. #RepresentationMatters

I'm not surprised, I guess, that 86% of community colleges are not members, EXCEPT transfer is one of the most important issues in college access, equity, and antiracism. #RepresentationMatters

NACAC surely needs to hear more from the schools who send transfer students to four-year schools. I imagine this is a matter of budgets. Why not let community colleges join for free? #RepresentationMatters

Cost, again, likely lies behind the frankly embarrassing number of MSIs who belong to NACAC. There are 32 tribal colleges in the US. ZERO are members of NACAC. Again, free membership. #RepresentationMatters

I assume $ also explains why the majority of member high schools are private (I imagine most of the int'l schools are too), even though in the US 1.4M kids go to private high schools and over 15.5M got to public high schools. #RepresentationMatters

Maybe NACAC could give free membership to every school where more than 50% of students are on FRLP and provide free registration to one counselor from that school. #RepresentationMatters

If we look at the actual membership, representation looks like a big problem there too.

I wonder if there's any research on who chooses not to disclose their race. #RepresentationMatters

Not surprised that the field is mostly women (although these numbers almost certainly flip if you look at who is running admissions at the schools with the highest paying jobs), but worth thinking about how that could connect to low pay. #RepresentationMatters

I meant it when I said kudos to NACAC for sharing all this data. It's clear that the new CEO, Angel Perez, shares the concerns raised here and believes #representationmatters, and I suspect it will help if members voice their support. And if wealthier ones pay more.

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