Shayan Sardarizadeh Profile picture
Journalist at BBC Verify | disinformation, conspiracy theories, verification, AI, open source investigations, extremism |

Sep 30, 2020, 5 tweets

There were over 2 million tweets with #Debates2020 throughout the debate. On Facebook, more than 300,000 public posts were made, generating more than 87 million interactions. On Instagram, 10,000 posts were made, generating 27 million interactions. Let's look at the biggest posts

This was the biggest tweet of the night, which got 136,000 retweets and 376,000 likes. The second biggest tweet was by Joe Biden's official account with 113,000 retweets and 514,000 likes

The biggest post on Facebook was by a pro-Biden page with 42,000 shares. The second biggest post was by a pro-Trump page with 31,000 shares

On Instagram, the biggest post was a clip from the debate about tax cuts posted by President Trump's account with 2.3 million views. The second biggest post was by @betchesluvthis with 283,000 likes

Looking at pro-Trump communities, it's clear that Chris Wallace is emerging as the target of most of their content. Just look at the numbers on these Facebook posts (49,000 shares in total), retweets (42,000 in total) and likes (169,000 in total) #Debates2020

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