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Journalist & Podcaster @FORESIGHT_CE | Columnist @BrusselsTimes | Bylines everywhere | Now I'm sometimes here:

Oct 1, 2020, 33 tweets

#EUCO but it’s The Simpsons


Everyone needs to drive a vehicle, even the very tall.

What’s a murder?

You steam a good clam, Seymour

Can I borrow a feeling?


#EUCO guest star

(Really into a deep dive of top-shelf side characters now)

By very popular demand... @BeaRios_ etc


You're all following #EUCO in 2020, while I'm subtweeting it all the way from peak Simpsons 1997

And of course, the queen

The Homer Car, made in Luxembourg

ohhhhh yeah

The secret to these threads is nailing Rutte in the very first one. Surely that's a key learning you've stumbled across as well, @dannyctkemp

Same energy

Stupid sexy Rajoy

I've gone beyond the external borders, @brezaleksandar @JasminMuj

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