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Covering #Iran & #MidEast, especially what MSM won't Have a passion for exposing Tehran apologists/lobbyists

Oct 1, 2020, 10 tweets


Did you know that Rep. Rashida Tlaib has ties with #Iran’s lobby group @NIACouncil?

Let’s dig in.

@ethanazad is a staff member of Rep. Tlaib’s office & handles a "broad legislative portfolio, helping Tlaib’s office on foreign affairs… and government oversight."

Ethan Azad helping Rep. Tlaib on foreign policy means what?

Notice how Rep. Tlaib pushes the “war with Iran” talking point of Iran's regime seen in @JZarif's tweets.

And this tweet in particular came after U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to eliminate the world’s leading terrorist Qassem Soleimani.

Rep. Tlaib was apparently angry that Soleimani, the world’s most notorious terrorist, was killed.

Back to Ethan Azad:

Notice how he attempts to whitewash #Iran’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC).

The IRGC is designated as a “foreign terrorist organization” by the U.S. State Department.


@tparsi founded NIAC & enjoyed unprecedented access to the Obama White House (most likely through Ben Rhodes) prior to the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.

“Former Iranian Official, Pro-Tehran Lobbyist Hosted at Obama White House Dozens of Times”

Talking about Ben Rhodes, Parsi & NIAC have very strong ties with Obama’s mastermind of the infamous “echo chamber.”

Listen to how Parsi parrots Zarif’s talking points.

Parsi is now the VP of @QuincyInst, a Washington, D.C., think tank that has promoted anti-Semitic voices and parroted pro-Iran talking points.

Finally, Iran took advantage of Obama/Biden’s appeasement & had its apologists/lobbyists push its talking points freely.

They should not be allowed to continue.

For starters, the U.S. should pursue an investigation into Tehran’s lobby arm NIAC.

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