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A proud native Detroiter #Liberal #GrammyofTwo #Democrats #MomofFour #WelshTerrier #twinmom #RESIST #Indivisible #DemsWork4USA @DemsWork4USA

Oct 1, 2020, 9 tweets

This is the #DemPartyPlatform for 2020.This section is called: Bringing Down Drug Prices &Taking on the Pharmaceutical Industry/Only one party has a specific plan for ensuring EVERY American will be able to afford life-saving & life-enhancing medications/the other has NO PLAN.1/9

Too many Americans struggle to afford the prescription drugs they need to get or stay healthy. 2/9 #DemPartyPlatform #PrescriptionDrugPrices #Pharma

No American should find themselves foregoing or rationing medications because they can’t afford to pay—especially when taxpayer money underwrites research leading to the development of many prescription drugs in the first place.3/9 #DemPartyPlatform

#Democrats will take aggressive action to ensure that Americans do not pay more for prescription drugs than people in other advanced economies, and ensure that all necessary medications are covered. 4/9 #DemPartyPlatform #PrescriptionDrugPrices

#Democrats will empower #Medicare to at last be able to negotiate prescription drug prices for all public and private purchasers—for families and businesses, as well as older Americans—no matter where they get their coverage. 5/9 #DemPartyPlatform

#Democrats will also prevent the price of brand-name and outlier generic drugs from rising faster than the inflation rate. 6/9 #DemPartyPlatform #PrescriptionDrugPrices

#Democrats will cap out-of-pocket drug costs for seniors, and ensure that effective treatments for chronic health conditions are available at little or no cost. 7/9 #DemPartyPlatform #PrescriptionDrugPrices

For too long, prescription drug companies have gamed the system to justify their price increases by any means available. 8/9 #DemPartyPlatform #PrescriptionDrugPrices #Pharma

#Democrats will crack down on anti-competitive efforts to manipulate the patent system or collude on prices. And we will eliminate tax breaks for prescription drug advertisements. 9/9 #DemPartyPlatform #PrescriptionDrugPrices

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