Doctors of the World Profile picture
Before, during, after a crisis. 💙 Our volunteer doctors and nurses will be here.

Oct 2, 2020, 17 tweets


Hi, I’m @NikkiKF, a GP & NHS England’s Director of Primary Care. 👋

I can't wait to take you on my virtual @LondonMarathon! Over the next 3 days, I'll be sharing regular updates as I walk 60 miles from London to Newbury.

Keep reading to see my route! 🗺 #VLM

My destination: Greenham Common, where my dad spent 6mths in a refugee camp in 1972.

I'm doing this walk for @DOTW_UK, a medical charity that helps refugees & other excluded groups to access healthcare.

Together, we can raise funds & awareness for this great cause!#The40thRace

@DOTW_UK is a medical charity that helps vulnerable people to access healthcare through its:
👩‍⚕️ UK clinics
📞 National helpline
📢 Advocacy work
🌍 International programmes (as Médecins du Monde)

Find out more:

👋🏽 Quick update en route!

@NikkiKF @LondonMarathon
#VLM #LondonMarathon

Did you know @DOTW_UK offers free #COVID19 translated resources in over 60 languages?

From general coronavirus advice to tips for improving your wellbeing, get important health information in your community language today!

Download here:…

Good morning! We are well on our way on Day 2 👏🏽

@NikkiKF @LondonMarathon
#VLM #LondonMarathon…

5 ways @DOTW_UK helps refugees:
1. Accessing healthcare - free health checks & GP registration advocacy
2. Remote support during #COVID19
3. #SafeSurgeries training for GP practice staff
4. Identifying gaps in healthcare
5. Standing up for refugees & campaigning for change

Did you know - In 2018, @DOTW_UK staff & volunteers supported over 2k patients, while their caseworkers took nearly 13k advice-line calls from people with health access support needs.

Demand for their service is growing.

In 2019, DOTW provided over 2,400 consultations.

FINALLY - the big day 🙌🏽

Setting off soon... didn’t manage to sleep as well as I’d hoped (mainly nerves and listening to this 👇🏽) so any final donations to get me going will be MUCH appreciated!

@NikkiKF @LondonMarathon
#LondonMarathon  #The40thRace…

Marathon DONE ✅

Still a few miles to the common 😱

@NikkiKF @LondonMarathon
#LondonMarathon  #The40thRace…

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