Matthew Hardy Profile picture
Senior lecturer, journal editor, cyclist, recovering architect. Gooner. Head = Green, heart = Labour. #StillEuropean #FBPE 💙🇺🇦 Unsolicited DM=block

Oct 4, 2020, 10 tweets

The nine most common #ActiveTravel myths busted.
#LTNs #cycling #walking

Link to full report at the end of this thread.

Myth 1: There is no public support for investment in cycling infrastructure

Myth 2: Road space reallocation to bicycles will bring urban traffic to a grinding halt.

Myth 3: Removing car parking spaces will harm the local economy.

Myth 4: Closing streets to cars will harm the local economy.

Myth 5: Our streets are too narrow to accommodate cycle lanes.

Myth 6: Cycling is not safe.

Myth 7: Investing in road building always makes the most economic sense.

Myth 8: People don't support road space reallocation to bicycles.

Myth 9: Cycling infrastructure is expensive.

Full report here:
Common Misconceptions of Active Travel Investment
A Review of the Evidence…

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