Pensjonerad Profile picture
memento mori

Oct 19, 2020, 8 tweets

1/8 🇸🇪 update of a few graphs of all cause mortality (acm) including September.

Adding including a few earlier tweets in this short-thread
-Nordic comparison
-ICU capacity

Firstly update of graph comparing ACM October through September👇🏽 +

2/8 Secondly update of graph comparing January through September. 2020 similar to 2015 but lower than 2013 and basically all years prior to that +

3/8 Thirdly adding chart comparing flu season to flu season. As noticed, 2019 had very few deaths. +

4/8 Continuing with chart showing 2020 compared with average of 2015-2019. We see that since week 27 we have been at “normal” levels of all cause mortality. +

5/8 Crude Assumption: This chart shows sum of ICU beds needed + deaths per day compared with ICU capacity. Health services ran a tight ship but capacity seems to have been adequate. Also pandemics before this have stretched capacity and put a burden on society. +

6/8 This tweet refers to an earlier tweet which looks at ASMR Nordic comparison first of flu season and then of week 1-36👇🏽 +

7/8 Also this tweet refers to an earlier tweet looking at data from two studies on #covid19 deaths in Region Östergötland👇🏽 which indicates that some 25% of c19 deaths would have c19 as dominating cause of death +

8/8 Lastly including this tweet👇🏽 looking at averages and trend based on 20 year of data/END of short thread

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