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Nov 21, 2020, 7 tweets

1/#Morningreport @SinaiBmoreIMRes
by @NasirAlhamdan featured a presentation of progressive fatigue and tachypnea X 2 months. This presentation opens up a significant number of #DDx's !
#MedTwitter #MedStudentTwitter

2/Other findings were:
-unexplained weight loss.,
- Tachypnea & mild SOB
- Intermittent chronic diarrhea, Intermittent small amount of bright blood per rectum
- Bruises on thighs
Now the DDx shift from the respiratory system to maybe an overlap of a hematologic etiology

3/A quick overview of our thoughts were:

4/The labs disclosed:

5/The labs supported the assumption that a hematologic process was in effect.
-DIC due to low PLT with elevated PT, PTT, INR and low Fbg with findings of + Schistocytes and
- excessive and prolonged bleeding during a line placement.
With pancytopenia- a BM biopsy was necessary

6/Presumptive Dx: Malignancy such leukemia
The most common cancers associated with DIC are the acute leukemias or mucin-producing adenocarcinomas.
The adenocarcinomas: lung, breast, stomach, prostate, pancreas, ovary, biliary tract are the most common solid tumors causing DIC

7/Teaching points for DIC for review:

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