Sinai Hospital of Baltimore IM Residency Profile picture
The largest community teaching hospital in Maryland taking pride in teaching, quality patient care and research. Instagram:
Oct 18, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
#Morningreport recently @SinaiBmoreIMRes
featured an interesting case by Paul Stendahl Dy
A young pt presenting with right sided CP, dyspnea s/p MVA and recent dx of necrotizing PNA,
DDx ???
#MedTwitter #Medstudenttwitter @SinaiChiefs Image 2/6
Vital signs:
T 37.8 P 117 BP 125/71 SPO2 94 % on RA
Chest- decreased BS right lower side.
WBC: 15
Jul 26, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
#Morningreport this week @SinaiBmoreIMRes
featured an interesting case by N. walia
A young Pt presenting with pancreatitis - develops complaints of "bilateral vision loss with progressively worsening headaches "
DDx ???
#MedTwitter #Medstudenttwitter Image 2/9
BP noted to be: BP: 207/117
Eyes: EOMI.
Cannot count fingers.
Appreciates some movement on the right which appear as shadows.
Unable to detect static objects
Neuro: Exam normal
Aug 24, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
1/9 #Morningreport recently @SinaiBmoreIMRes
by M. Thomas featured a middle aged pt presenting with sudden collapse whilst getting ready in the morning.
No prodromal episodes
#DDx ?
#MedTwitter #MedStudentTwitter #FOAMed 2/9
For acute collapse, this would need to be defined along the spectrum of:
Pre-syncope-> Syncope-> Near SCD-> SCD.
Jul 30, 2021 10 tweets 5 min read
1/10 #Morningreport recently
@SinaiBmoreIMRes by S. Sridhar recently featured a pt with a 3 week history of generalized pruritic rash
#DDx ?
#MedTwitter #MedStudentTwitter #FOAMed Image 2/10 The rash was insidious in onset, initially involving extremities and progressed to involve rest of the body, sparing face, palms, and soles.
Reports ~40 lb unintentional weight loss in previous 4-5 months.
Ddx for this rash would be :… Image
May 1, 2021 10 tweets 5 min read
1/10 #Morningreport recently @SinaiBmoreIMRes
by N.Rapista recently featured an elderly pt with an episode of dysphagia x 1 week
#DDx ?
#MedTwitter #MedStudentTwitter #FOAMed Image 2/10 Further history:
Unable to swallow any solid food
• “held in the throat”
• coughing frequently
• Generalized malaise
• New left ptosis
Nov 21, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
1/#Morningreport @SinaiBmoreIMRes
by @NasirAlhamdan featured a presentation of progressive fatigue and tachypnea X 2 months. This presentation opens up a significant number of #DDx's !
#MedTwitter #MedStudentTwitter Image 2/Other findings were:
-unexplained weight loss.,
- Tachypnea & mild SOB
- Intermittent chronic diarrhea, Intermittent small amount of bright blood per rectum
- Bruises on thighs
Now the DDx shift from the respiratory system to maybe an overlap of a hematologic etiology
Aug 31, 2020 9 tweets 5 min read
1/#Morningreport @SinaiBmoreIMRes
featured a young patient presenting with abdominal pain X 2 weeks with a serum K=2.8.
There was also increased urinary frequency
some weakness and fatigue during the past 2 weeks
#DDX #MedTwitter #medstudents #FOAMed 2/The DDX for Hypokalemia requires consideration of a 3 pronged approach: 1)Decreased intake 2)Renal and GI losses and 3) IC shifts. Image