1⃣♦️Бајденови скупови су били слабо посећени, мада његов предизборни тим каже да је то било због мера предострожности против ширења вируса⁉️
2⃣♦️Мртвачка атмосфера на Бајденовим скуповима је јасно указивала ко ће за њега гласати. Какви су били скупови, такви су били и гласачи‼️👇
3⃣♦️Dead "voters" are safer for him than the living‼️👇
4⃣♦️БАЈДЕН И ИДИОТ ПОСТАЛИ ПРЕДМЕТ ИСМЕВАЊА: Демократски кандидат извргнут руглу, на скуп му дошло шесторо људи (ВИДЕО)‼️👀👇
5⃣♦️Како је Бајден победио и добио 80 милиона гласова а на предизборним скуповима нигде никог живог⁉️Инагурација је јединствена прилика да покаже и докаже да су за њега гласали и живи а не само мртви. Пошто живих нема онда се прави цео овај циркус како би прикрио огромну превару.
6⃣♦️Престао сам да радим за ЦИА након атентата на Зорана Ђинђића. На питање шта мислим ко је то урадио, рекао сам да ми то личи на њихов рукопис, xтели су да ме баце са петог спрата хотела у Бечу. Иза његовог убиства директно они стоје‼️Не као на филму.👇
7⃣♦️As it was done to Serbia in 2000, the same will be done in 2020 with America‼️Of course the organizer is always the same. AND WHAT DO YOU THINK - Why did October 5 fail - TV Ras. 16.10.2017.
♦️Why is There a Hidden Network of Tunnels Underneath of Washington DC ⁉️👀👇
♦️Mapping the Many Tunnels Under Washington, D.C.
An interactive history of underground D.C. reveals the quirks of a city that was built by and for the federal government‼️👀👇
♦️NORAD Air Defense Exercise Planned for National Capital Region‼️Falcon Virgo is a recurring exercise in support of Operation NOBLE EAGLE, which places emphasis on the surveillance and control of airspace over North America. ⁉️👀👇 Нови 11 септембар🤔
8⃣♦️The Owl Wisdom, Alertness, Vigilance⁉️ When does a bird sing? Everything has meaning. D.C. CAGED OWL. Their need for symbolism will be their downfall. Follow the Owl & Y head around the world‼️It's time to follow the owl symbol. "because owls possess night"‼️So let's go👀👇
Throughout medieval history,the image of the Owl was often associated with evil due to its tendency to be active during the dangerous hours of the night.Many early cultures saw the Owl as an omen of approaching bad fortune and believed that it was cursed as a creature of the dead
However, Illuminati tradition tells a different story. In Illuminati practices, the Owl is revered as a creature of vigilance — a guardian who stands alert so others can rest through the night under its watchful gaze. It is seen as a totem representing wisdom, its eyes👀👀👇
ever-watchful for the morning to approach and for the guiding Light to reemerge over the horizon.
In modern culture, the Owl appears in a variety of prominent locations, especially in places of government and on currency. Through magnification, the Owl can even be seen in👇
the corner of every United States one-dollar bill, alongside the Pyramid and the All-Seeing Eye.A drawing of an owl from the 1780s, the short period of time the Illuminati was active.The Illuminati did plenty of unusual things. They used symbols (like the owl), adopted pseudonyms
♦️Picture no.1. A horned owl on a medieval manuscript,
understood as something evil‼️
♦️Picture no.2. St. Francis preaching to the birds: the owl represents the Jews in need of conversion‼️
♦️Picture no.3. An owl hides in the right hand corner of the dollar bill‼️👀👇
♦️How did the medieval men understand the owl? For them, the owl symbolized mourning and desolation because it is a bird that lives for the darkness. Thus it represents sinners who have given up living in the light and have chosen the darkness of sin‼️👇
♦️Since it hides in darkness and avoids the light, the owl also came to symbolize Satan, the Prince of Darkness.The Bestiaries tell us that the owl is a filthy bird, because it pollutes its own nest with its dung. It loves to live around tombs and decaying structures‼️ 👇
♦️When the owl ventures out into the daylight, the other birds attack it. The scene of the owl mobbed by other birds is common in manuscripts and is often carved on misericords. This was generally understood as the just hostility of the righteous toward the wicked‼️👇
♦️For the medieval men, the owl also represented the Jews who have rejected Jesus Christ. The medieval bestiary Physiologus Latinus stresses this aspect of the nycticorax, translated as night crow or owl:"This bird represents the Jewish people,who rejected our Lord and Savior‼️👇
♦️When He came to save them, they said, 'We have no king but Caesar' (Jn 19:15) 'but as to this man, we know not who He is' (Jn 9:29).On this account they love darkness more than light."
♦️Picture no.1. Owls from various medieval manuscripts symbolizing sinners and the Jews‼️ 👇
♦️An image of St. Francis preaching to the birds from a 13th century psalter shows a prominent owl sitting on a branch, which was commonly understood as a representation of the Jews, a special target of conversion. It can be confusing to the modern mind to find that in 👇
the medieval bestiaries, a bird whose primary representation was evil could nonetheless have a secondary meaning representing Christ or something good. This remarkable flexibility came from an understanding that every creature made by God could represent some aspect of Him, 👇
albeit small, and have a quality that reflects Christ Who became man to save the world from sin. Therefore, despite the primary negative connotations, the owl was also the sign of solitude and meditation in medieval monasteries, because it was known to stay in the 👇
same place for a long time. It flees from the light, in the sense that it does not look for the glory of human praise. In this sense the owl appears at times in scenes of hermits at prayer. Since the Illumninati pretend to be the wise rulers of the planet, maintaining and 👇
passing on the secret knowledge of the ancient deities, that is, devils, the owl became one of their symbols. Because the owl’s eyes seem to not move, it moves its neck to turns its head completely around to see, another sign of the occult sects which, through their initiated
agents, can see where normal men cannot. And, like the owl, the Freemasons gather in secret, far from the light of day. Freemasons also consider the owl a symbol of reincarnation: since it is awake at night they consider it a symbol of the soul that has left a dead body and
remains in the night, waiting to re-enter another body that is being conceived. For them the owl symbolizes metempsychosis, which is their theory of reincarnation of the souls. Thus the old owl from our nursery tales acquires a more sinister aspect.
9⃣♦️In the NEXT FEW DAYS we will discover whether “Q” is either a brilliant strategy to inform and mobilise Patriots, or one of the most evil PSYOPS in history, deigned to encourage Patriots to sit on their hands and ‘trust the plan’, while their country is stolen from them⁉️👀👇
♦️Is #Canon is literally a carbon copy of the massive #Bolshevik psi-op of the 1920s that was created to neutralize the remaining reactionary forces opposed to the communist takeover of Russia. The name of that psi-op was "Operation TRUST"! #TrustThePlan, guys! #MAGA #Capitol⁉️👇
♦️Постоје 222 врсте сова, које спадају у две фамилије- типичне сове(Стригидае)и кукувије(Тyтонидае).Постоје фосилни остаци сова које не припадају ниједној од наведених фамилија, а које се од данашњих сова разликују мањом или другачијом специјализацијом за лов(Сопхиорнитхидае)‼️👇
♦️28. октобра 2017. из интернета је изронило “Q”који је у то време тврдио да ради као војни обавештајац. Од тада је “Q” наставио да “баца мрвице”на платформи “4цхан” и “8цхан”, стварајући “QАнон” заједницу посвећену декодирању тих порука и разумевању стварне истине о свему‼️👇
♦️Пре одржавања председничких избора 2016.године у САД-у, војна обавештајна служба Украјинe је промовисала нови лого и нови видео спот који приказује сову која напада Русију. Лоше стање ствари између две земље није нешто ново нити тајна. За неке овај амблем одводи предалеко.‼️👇
♦️Међутим, овај амблем се може сматрати знаком времена откад се односи између две земље представљају као да су на ивици рата. Такође овај амблем служи да услови украјинско војно особље и јавност да Русију сматрају својим јединим непријатељем.Cлика је објављенa(24. октобра 2016)👇
♦️The emblem "level 800 trolling" of aggressive Russia, appears to carry even more unequivocal allusions than noted by Russia.
1. Russian intelligence motto - "Above us – only stars," Ukrainian – "Wise to rule the stars."‼️👇
2. Symbol of the Russian intelligence – a bat, Ukrainian – an owl (guess who she eats).
3. Well, to be sure, the owl plunges the sword in the map Russia."Besides owls, Internet users have paid attention to the logo of Counterintelligence Department of the Special
♦️Service of Ukraine (SBU). It depicts an eagle, overcoming the snake with two crowned bird's heads, similar to two-headed eagle on Russian coat of arms. If Trump had not won in 2016, the war would have started.
@JoeBiden + Hunter Biden + Burisma+#Ukrainagate= War can begin‼️👇
♦️All the actors in the affair #Ukrainagate‼️
♦️All evidence in one place‼️
♦️EXCLUSIVE: Soros-Biden network Ukrainegate (US Elections and The Day After)‼️👀👇
♦️Important WW Rhetoric shaping up, why did Biden send troops back into Syria⁉️
♦️Syria's first diplomatic message to US President Joe Biden came with a stern call for Washington to withdraw its forces and stop its "plundering" of the country's wealth‼️⬇️
♦️1- Israeli Minister of War, Avigdor Lieberman, on CBC television and in the program“50 minutes of heated dialogue,”challenged Russia and said: “The Israeli air force will continue bombing the Syrian territories and we will shoot down Russian planes if they confront them and
♦️if Russia has an air base in Hmeimim, which has 80 planes, then Israel has 63 air bases and has a thousand planes among the best in the world and has pilots who outperform the pilots in Syria, Russia, France and Britain.
♦️2 - Less than an hour after Lieberman’s statement, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu appeared with the commander of the Russian Air Force and the commander of the Russian ICBMs in an interview on Russian television. Russian Defense Minister Shoigu said: “We challenge
♦️Israel to confront us and tell Israel to beware of the challenge and we tell Minister Lieberman, “We will shoot you with a Russian missile in the heart of your defense ministry in Tel Aviv and in the heart of your office.”‼️
♦️3 - General “Suslov”, commander of the ICBM, added: “Israel has 250 ICBMs carrying nuclear warheads. We in Russia have 5,500 nuclear missiles. Intercontinental 7 times faster than sound‼️
♦️4 - It is capable of destroying Canada, Mexico and America in one hit with a thousand missiles capable of destroying Latin America within 4 hours, Africa also with 4 hours, Central Asia and Greater Asia within 8 hours.
♦️We say to Israel if you want to play with your presence, we are for it and our intercontinental missiles will eliminate you from existence‼️
♦️5 - Minister Lieberman is prohibited from contacting Russia or dealing with any Russian military official on the order of President
♦️Vladimir Putin. ”The commander of the Russian Air Force added:“ Our missiles are capable of destroying 63 Israeli airbases within two hours, in addition to completely destroying the 10 Israeli civilian airports.
♦️6 - We have 6 Russian nuclear submarines that are now
♦️stationed off the Israeli coast at a distance of “60 km” equipped with missiles capable of comprehensive destruction of all Israeli military areas. Russia has 6800 warplanes of the latest aircraft, “MiG-35, Sukhoi 35S and Sukhoi 57”‼️
♦️7 - In addition to the strategic stealth aircraft, which we did not disclose, and it is able to fly to America without refueling, and its speed is 5 times faster than sound, and we can completely destroy Israel within two to three hours.
♦️And if the United States intervenes, a nuclear war will erupt between it and us, and what happens will happen.” ‼️⬇️
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