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Jan 20, 2021, 9 tweets

SCOOP: A middle school in Springfield, Missouri, recently held a diversity training program that forced teachers to locate themselves on an “oppression matrix” and watch a video of “George Floyd’s last words.”

The whistleblower documents will astonish you. Let's dig in. 🧵

The training at Cherokee Middle School began with a “land acknowledgement,” claiming that “Springfield Public Schools is built on [the] ancestral territory" of Native Americans, who had been oppressed by white colonizer "violence."

The trainers then forced the teachers to watch a nine-minute silent video of “George Floyd’s last words.” It's a cult technique used to overload the senses of the participants and create an “emotional anchor” that serves to justify subsequent political arguments—with no debate.

Next, the trainers provided a handout for teachers to locate themselves on an “oppression matrix,” which defines white heterosexual Protestant males as the “privileged social group”—or "oppressors"—and women, minorities, transgender, and LGBT people as the “oppressed.”

Next, the trainers claimed that “education funding from property tax, colorblindness, calling the police on black people, BIPOC as Halloween costumes, not believing experiences of BIPOC, tone policing, [and] white silence” are “socially acceptable” forms of "white supremacy."

Luckily, one white teacher, who was raised by a black stepfather, pushed back, blasting the training as an indoctrination in Frankfurt School "cultural Marxism."

The diversity initially admitted that they were teaching a version of "Marxism," then quickly denied it. But the truth is simple: critical race theory is a reformulation of Frankfurt School Marxism—and has now spread from coastal cities into the heartland.

Read the full story about critical race theory spreading to the American heartland in City Journal.…

P.S. I'm doing a ten-part investigative series on "critical race theory in schools." Sign up for my newsletter to get my latest reports:

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