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NYT bestselling Trump and Musk biographer. Attorney. Retired journalism professor. More: and

Jan 21, 2021, 14 tweets

Some of my favorite Bernie Sanders sightings today:

More great Bernie Sanders sightings from Inauguration Day:

Bernie Sanders had the busiest January 20 of anyone:

Bernie Sanders out and about on Inauguration Day:

Can't stop won't stop. #BernieSanders

Bringing you the best #BernieSanders memes since 9 minutes ago:

Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie:

Bernie finally reaches the end of his long journey:

(PS) Can't resist:

(PS2) Still can't resist:

(PS3) I'm starting to think resistance is futile:

(PS4) It's like a drug with no possibility of overdose:

(PS5) The talent on Twitter is limitless.

(END) One last walk around the block for #BernieSanders:

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