Ophir Gottlieb Profile picture
Unpaid Verified. CEO @CMLviz. Contrib @Reuters @Factset @Refinitiv. Stanford Trained Mathematician. Former Option Market Maker; Hedge Fund Manager. AI/ML.

Feb 25, 2021, 17 tweets

$NVTA Queued up as a GTC limit.

Looking for ~$10, current price $17.

Let's see a puke sell off in the next few weeks. Maybe even a short seller piece that can help.


$GOGO Queued up for a puke.

Unlikely but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Limit GTC for < $3.00
Current price $4.50



Queued up for a puke.

Limit GTC to buy for ~$5.00
Current price $12


More fantasy trades set as limits for a market tumble


Limit set to even ($0.00)


$CCL Setting up yet another "market puke" GTC limit, this time for CCL.

I will wait up to a week.

Limit is $1.40 which gives it more than 10x on the calls ($15 call spread).


$CCL Got a fill very, very small.

Now reaching for better.

GTC for $1.20

Tightening up the put strike.



Trade set up seven in a series of "market pukes" limit prices. 

STO 1/20/23 30.0 P
BTO 1/20/23 18.0 P

Limit GTC $7.00+
Current mark to market is $5.06

Would be a 7:5 MaxGain:MaxLoss for a high probability winner.

Stock would have to go below $23 to lose.


Eighth limit price set for a market selloff.


Buy a call spread funded by selling a put spread

BTO 1/20/23 70.0 C
STO 1/20/23 110.0 C

STO 1/20/23 45.0 P
BTO 1/20/23 35.0 P

Limit GTC $3.50
Current mark to market $8.00



Ninth trade in a series of market puke scenarios.

Buy a call spread funded by selling a put spread.

GTC Limit $1.50
Mark to market $3.32


$LFMD Update to strike prices for market puke trade.

GTC Limit still for even ($0.00)



Eleventh "market puke" limit price set.

Buy a call spread / Sell a put spread

GTC Limit $2.00
Mark to market $5.50



Market puke trade limit #12

GTC Limit $3.00
Mark to market $7.85



Thirteenth wishful pricing market puke trade.

Limit GTC $2.75
Current Mark to market $3.50


$NVTA Trade #1 got a fill.
$CCL Trade #6 got a fill.


$FSLY Trade #9 filled



13th Wishful thinking (market puke) trade.

Limit GTC $5.00
Current mark to market $18.00


Offering the $CCL 7.5/12.5/35/50 short ps / long cs at $2.40.

Paid $1.20.

This was one of the puke trades that got a fill.

This is a standing GTC Limit order.

You can see actual trade in the thread above.

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