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Zee is currently: being jikook trash

Mar 23, 2021, 7 tweets

I need you all to understand that #WenZhou literally gave up everything and chose to be with each other for eternity.

To survive, they can learn the art that allowed Ye Baiyi to live that long; however, it comes at a cost:

#ShanHeLing #WordOfHonor #Spoilers

From my understanding, the practitioner has to pretty much live in areas of extreme cold and can no longer eat human food as it would deteriorate their body. They can only feed off on ice and snow to maintain their body.

If maintained, they live forever, with no end in sight.

Here, Zhou Zishu makes the following comment:

“To live like that, or to die right here... I’ll have to weigh [the pros and cons]”.

I need you to remember how this man literally nailed 7 nails into his own body in exchange for 3 years of freedom.

That’s how much he loves freedom.

And yet, all that freedom means nothing to him when compared to more time than he could ever ask for with Wen Kexing. The fact that he is willing to give up what we would understand as “freedom” to spend forever with his soulmate...

In ep 14, he mentioned how he would rather live 10 days freely than live 10 years against his own will.

The wording here is so important because his choice in the end isn’t going against his previous claim. If anything, it reinforces the fact that Wen Kexing IS his own will.

Also, just to tie this thread to the special episode: in the special episode, we see the following comment being made

“The two have been fighting for a whole lifetime. When immortals start fighting, who knows then it’ll end.”

This implies that Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu have forever.

If they have forever, that means that they both willingly gave up roaming the human realm and chose to stay in an area of extreme cold, feeding ice and snow for eternity.



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