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Zee is currently: being jikook trash
Jul 30, 2021 58 tweets 10 min read
#ChineseRestaurant5 watch thread!

Can’t believe I’m saying this but I already can’t wait for Junjun to arrive just to save them in the kitchen 😂 looking at HXM’s previous season cuts, this man seems like a menace in the kitchen lmfao YAN = 2nd princess (BC ZH IS REAL PRINCESS!!!!!)

LMFAO YAN is talking about how she doesn't want to wipe her face bc her makeup's gonna get smeared but HXM hit her with a "don't be too delicate bc once you start working, then your makeup's REALLY gonna get smeared"
Jul 29, 2021 37 tweets 10 min read
#ZhangZhehan Clinique livestream thread (we’ll see how much I do since it’s like 2AM here 🙃)

wondering how long he’ll be on for, 30 mins? 1hr? also currently it’s just the host and a female guest (host?) chatting, lp hasn’t come on yet they’re presenting those mini hand-fans and all i can think about is lp’s small red fan that he had on him 24/7 on shl set hhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Jul 28, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
since i wasn’t needed to find a lg flavour, how about a tiny restaurant AU? 🌝

imagine lg and lp running a small hole in the wall restaurant, a blink and you miss it kind of place but every person who’ve had food there once would unfailingly make another reservation lg is in charge of the kitchen while lp acts as the host, waiter and sommelier

people who go there for the first time would question how the two came to work together when they… clearly don’t seem to get along?
Jul 28, 2021 23 tweets 16 min read
Thread about junzhe’s amazing 眼神戏 (gaze acting?) bc with every rewatch of SHL, i just get more and more appreciative of it

(honestly, you can pretty much just throw it under the whole “acting” umbrella so you could also take this thread as me 🌈 farting junzhe’s acting 😌) ImageImageImageImage so what exactly is 眼神戏? it’s basically when a simple gaze is all you need to understand the emotions of the character, without needing any words

for example: here, without saying anything and with his measuring gaze alone, you can tell that wkx is intrigued by zzs ImageImage
Jul 27, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Reading this thread just made me think about how SHL’s ending really gave wenzhou the power of choice, and this time, it’s with no strings attached.

Because if you think about it, circumstances out of their control kept pushing them into a certain direction. You can’t say that they never had a choice because they clearly did, but it always felt like they were stuck between a rock and a hard place, and the choice was never truly up to them?
Jul 17, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
i think one of the funniest things to me is how a portion of seasoned cdrama watchers went into the SHL concert all jaded like “🚬 bet they’re gonna try and break cp 🚬 let’s just hope they do it gently 🚬”

then concert happened and so many people turned into lld shippers 😂 like i wonder if you understand just how unconventional that whole experience was?? while i was hoping to get fed with maybe just a few crumbs, we instead got a full 9-course meal’s worth of food (im mean, im STILL rewatching concert content and dying)
Jul 16, 2021 38 tweets 7 min read
thinking about enemies-to-lovers (kinda) wenzhou where zzs’s a highly respected cultivator while wkx’s known as one of the most prominent cultivators of the demonic arts

and they’re just perfect opposites, constantly at each other’s throat bc zzs’s the only one able to stop wkx if zzs isn’t stopping wkx from doing something bad, then it’s probably because he’s on his way to stop wkx from doing something bad

it got to the point where it’s become a thing for them, where if one of them shows up, the other one’s probably not far behind
Jul 15, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
one of the funniest things after getting to know gj is realizing just how fkn DIFFERENT wkx is

like this man is polar opposite, i have no idea how gj managed to act him out and to the point where he's SO PERFECTLY in character?? every time he says flirty words, im like, how????? and also wkx's got that young master elegance DOWN PAT, so slow and confident...

...until you see gj, and yes he works out and yes he surfs so his coordination isnt completely off, but just sometimes, he acts like a tall person who doesn't know what to do with his too-long limbs
Jul 15, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
The funniest thing about jz is that I see so many analysis posts/videos on wb or dy and most of them, I’m like “hmm, a lil reaching but it’s fun to just think about it” but then it’s almost like they go out of their way to make the “coincidence” explanation absolutely useless like, the whole thing about zls’s trending topic yesterday and jj FINALLY posting his first set of tfh promo pictures, you can def argue that it was due to coincidence

until you realize jj just deleted the whole ass post??? after editing the caption to include the hashtag?? 🤨
Jun 20, 2021 39 tweets 8 min read
Fox Spirit!ZZS AU where WKX, as a child, stumbles across a fox spirit after getting lost while playing in the mountains and he’s instantly struck by their beauty.

Meanwhile, ZZS took one look at the pitifully lost child and felt his heart soften so he guides him back home. When the small cottage where WKX lives with his parents come into view, ZZS stops and crouches down. He gently flicks the young boy's forehead and warns him to not wander this deep into the mountains again, because there are creatures that won't be as nice as him the next time.
Jun 14, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
deadass thinking about how in february, when i watched zzh and gj's youku livestreams, i was dying from how much BRO-ness i was getting, i had only one thought in mind and it was "haha these two are so steel-straight bros, we're all just gonna happily watch them work and laugh" even when i was on douyin for the first few days, all the comments were all just "oh my god these two are so steel straight it hurts, but they are so FREAKING FUNNY" or "i cant imagine shipping them but their friendship makes me laugh and that's all that i need"
May 29, 2021 17 tweets 5 min read
okay so like, im actually drowning in junzhe feels atm because their relationship is actually insane and i dont even know where to START

the biggest takeaway for me is just how their relationship is very much a two-way street where the two view each other as equals and that's the BIGGEST thing bc it means that ZZH has fostered an environment where GJ is comfortable enough to treat him as an equal and GJ has somehow managed to worm his way into the group of people ZZH trusts and values
May 19, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
This idea just popped into my head but thinking about courtesan!WKX who is used to all sorts of influential men requesting for his “services”.

He thinks he’s seen it all until he’s booked one night by the Head of Tian Chuang, who only wants him for information about a case. “You know, my services do not come cheap.”

“Naturally. Your time will be appropriately compensated.”

“...what I mean to say is, you’ve already booked me for the night, you might as well take full advantage of it. Now, what can I do for you?”

“Then, perhaps music.”

May 17, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
AU where twins Wen Yan and Wen Kexing were forcefully separated at a young age: WY grew up with ZZS in the 4 Seasons Manor while WKX ended up in the Ghost Valley, but they never stopped searching for one another.

They eventually meet again when WKX crashes a Heroes Conference. He'd heard that the person responsible for both the death of his parents and his separation with his little brother would be present at the Heroes Conference so he decides to arrange a little surprise visit as the Ghost Valley's new master, under the guise of improving relations.
May 11, 2021 184 tweets 32 min read
Thinking about modern reincarnation AU where WKX did not survive the transfer of qi so ZZS lived on alone. A few thousand years later, ZZS, now a renowned actor, just finished his 1st table reading with a newbie actor.

"H-hey wait up, I'm—A-Xu!"

ZZS felt his breath hitch. "...What did you just call me?"

A name that hadn't been used in a few millennia. A face that looks achingly familiar now that he's actually paying attention.

"I, I'm incredibly sorry, I know your name is Zhou Zishu—I don't know what just came over me."
Apr 3, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Thread to compile the translations of the #WordOfHonor paid interview of #ZhangZhehan and #Gongjun

(just to put them all under one place and make it easier to navigate hhhh) Part 2: mainly Gong Jun
Apr 3, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
#WordOfHonor Paid Interview Translation Part 3

These two can understand each other very well. At the same time, their ideology is very similar, they all yearn for freedom but, they also shoulder a lot of burden. And that’s how they walked towards each other. #GongJun: But I can understand that he (Zhou Zishu) would rather... rather let himself live for less long and to keep his martial arts, can’t let them be abolished. He has his reasons.
Apr 3, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
#WordOfHonor Paid Interview Translation Part 2

Actually, when you first come into contact with Wen Kexing he’s quite... outwardly. You get the feeling that he’s a cynical young master. Really, he’s capable of saying anything and everything is said by him. For revenge, he can suppress his emotions. He lives too tiredly, I feel quite bad for him. His entire life is dedicated to his parents, until Zhou Zishu’s appearance, that’s when he started having happy times.
Apr 3, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
#WordOfHonor Paid Interview Translation Part 1

This character is probably one of the most varied roles I’ve acted, including the different periods’ attitude and role. A role that tends to have more turning points. In terms of overall attitudes, we could probably talk about his Tian Chuang era, leaving Tian Chuang, then meeting Wen Kexing and revealing his true appearance. But within these, there are many smaller complicated changes of the heart.
Mar 23, 2021 7 tweets 6 min read
I need you all to understand that #WenZhou literally gave up everything and chose to be with each other for eternity.

To survive, they can learn the art that allowed Ye Baiyi to live that long; however, it comes at a cost:

#ShanHeLing #WordOfHonor #Spoilers
#WordOfHonorEp36 ImageImageImageImage From my understanding, the practitioner has to pretty much live in areas of extreme cold and can no longer eat human food as it would deteriorate their body. They can only feed off on ice and snow to maintain their body.

If maintained, they live forever, with no end in sight. ImageImageImageImage