LittleGravitas 🇪🇺 🇪🇸 🇺🇦 🇮🇱 🇵🇸 #FBPE Profile picture
Federalist, anti-Brexit, languages, pro-vape. littlegravitas-c-im. en fr de ca es. DigiGarden: 📧: lgrav24-privateum-net. Signal u/n by email.

Mar 30, 2021, 6 tweets

#Newsnight digs up a clip of @David_Cameron (then PM) saying that lobbying was "the next big scandal waiting to happen".



@David_Cameron .@campbellclaret on #Newsnight, saying that Johnson and his ministers regularly break all 7 of the #NolanPrinciples - and he finds it "scary" that no one seems, with this government, to care very much about those breaches of public standards, or to view them as scandals.

@David_Cameron @campbellclaret Prof Elizabeth David-Barrett says on #Newsnight that the matters around Cameron/Arcuri are not so much about rule-breaking as "declining [public] standards".

And she gives examples, including those around (lack of) transparency.

@JolyonMaugham @GoodLawProject

@David_Cameron @campbellclaret @JolyonMaugham @GoodLawProject .@CharlesWalkerMP on #Newsnight - possibly a little milk-deprived - may be the only person in the UK coming out batting for Cameron, on the basis that 'a former PM's gotta have a life, and gotta be able to earn a crust'.

Astonishing tin-eared nonsense.

@David_Cameron @campbellclaret @JolyonMaugham @GoodLawProject @CharlesWalkerMP .@vincecable says on #Newsnight that there is an accountability and transparency deficit at the heart of UK politics, and sets out why.

#Greensill #Arcuri #Cameron

@David_Cameron @campbellclaret @JolyonMaugham @GoodLawProject @CharlesWalkerMP @vincecable Here is @maitlis's monologue from #Newnight on public standards.

Clear, concise, compelling.

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