Nick Reeves #RejoinEU #PATH #FBPE Profile picture
For most of recorded history humans have been ruled by despots. Democracy is precious and must be defended.

Mar 31, 2021, 6 tweets

1/ Some 'Corbynists' are Kremlin tools.

This 'leftist accused #FBPE of being a cult. So I did a bit of checking. The account is a peddler of pro-Kremlin tweets. I do this kind of checking now and again. Very roughly about 10% of the Corbynist accounts I check are pro-Kremlin.

2/ Here's another 'Corbynist' who replied to me by attacking Starmer and Blairites. It is account that is an eager defender of Putin's Russia. I have no idea why these accounts are pro-Kremlin, but it is clear Russia has significant influence within the hard-left.

3/ Here's another 'Corbynist' account that is all too eager to leap to the defence of Russia and its allies. This account has a lot of followers, and is therefore a significant promoter of Kremlin influence.

4/ Perhaps the most significant figure among the Kremlin-friendly Corbynists is Chris Williamson. Here he is shamelessly ignoring the Syrian opposition while defending the mass-murdering, hereditary, kleptocratic tyrant and Putin ally Assad.

5/ And of course there are Corbyn and Milne. Here's Milne shaking hands with kleptofascist Putin a few months after the latter attacked Ukraine, and here are both Corbyn and Milne peddling the Kremlin propaganda line on Ukraine.

6/ Some folk will say what about the Tories and Russia. I've written a lot about that. Here are a few graphics that give just a small glimpse into the Tory elite's collusion in Putin's hybrid war against democracy. But Putin is no fool, he has his tools on the right & left.

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