Willy Woo Profile picture
I do charts on #Bitcoin. On a hiatus from podcasts.

Mar 31, 2021, 5 tweets

A time-lapse map of the price when coins last moved.

Clusters of strong price discovery:
$55k (7% of supply last moved above this)
$47k (15%)

$46.4k is the price I'm modelling that we won't visit again during in this bull market (daily close).

Shear cliffs are areas where coin supply moves steeply upwards in price discovery. (green)

Flows downwards are bear market movements where coins move downwards to lower prices, investors accepting losses (red).

Horizontal bands are dense areas of where coins last moved, hence strong price discovery, acting as support and resistance.

Full picture

This supply profile map is simply a contour visualisation of @glassnode's URPD charts across different dates.

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