Jonah Lupton Profile picture
CEO/CIO at (@LuptonCapital)- (Substack)

Mar 31, 2021, 7 tweets

Here's my interview from yesterday with @JaredSKaplan, CEO of @OppLoans -- the parent company is

@OppLoans is coming public via reverse merger with $FGNA which is backed by @CoachJoeMoglia and @kcerminara

@OppLoans is building a digital-first banking/lending platform for the millions of unbanked and underbanked Americans

Fundamentals are very strong...

Customers love @OppLoans -- very few companies achieve an NPS score of 84 (one of the highest I've seen)

@OppLoans is launching new products to increase ARPU..

Perhaps the most compelling reason to consider @OppLoans aka $FGNA for your portfolio is the valuation.

$FGNA (OppFi) is currently trading at 7x EBITDA and 14x earnings

I can't think of any other SPACs growing at 40% with strong profit margins and free cash flow.

I don't currently have a position in $FGNA but I'm considering it -- primarily based on the strong fundamentals and very reasonable valuation.

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