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(오러리) KR/EN translations for the 12 #LOONA #이달의소녀 members🌙 #artms #loossemble #chuu #yves | Part of fansub team: @gointosubbit

Apr 1, 2021, 33 tweets

Nexon FPS game Sudden Attack in-game emotes
w/ @loonatheworld Heejin and Chuu skins

#LOONA #이달의소녀

Not April Fools

First 15 responses from gamers below the announcement:
"*dugeun dugeun* heart skips a beat for chuu~"
"just catch hackers please ㅡㅡ"


in-game (Heejin blue)

(source for this and below tweets: someone went over the skin features for the Heejin skin: )

Heejin jump sounds: "Heejin!" and "ha!"

Heejin grenade-throwing sounds
English : Fire in the hole!
Korean : "Heejinade out! 🎶I'll show myself to you~" (ViViD Lyrics)

Alternate grenade-throwing voicelines:
"Heejinade out! 🎶This feeling is so good!"
(Hi High lyrics)

"Heejinade! Is flying~!"

in-game sprays

Voicelines on death animation

"Like gimbap, like dumplings... sweet..."
"I get dizzy~..." (ViViD)
"you attack... my heart~"
"넌 마치 fly like a butterfly~ egh"
"to our teammates, fighting..."

3 emotes
- Hi: Hi High~ Let's play with Heejin
- Good job: You're the best! So good!
- Love you: Looking forward to working with you [Direct: "Please look upon me favorably"] - love you!

Second set

Radio commands:
Move: "careful, careful careful~ move!"
Request cover: "I think we need cover."
Fall back: "everyone fall back!! Our team can't die!!"
Need support: "You'll give supporting fire for Heejin, right?"
Wait: Sometimes it's good to go slowly.

Follow me: Over here! Come here! Hurry!
A Site: Heejinie will try heading to A site alone~
B Site: Run, run! To B site!
Enemy spotted: Careful! I think there's an enemy.
Receiving fire: Stop hitting me!! Hmph!
Enemy down: Enemy removal, complete~ "Sweet, sweet~" (Hi High)

Sector clear: There's no one here! Soooo clean!
Roger: Oh, we're on the same wavelength! I thought the same thing!
Move in: Are you ready? then, should we run?
No: Can I reject that?
Nice shot: Oh ↗ my god yes! So cool!
Arrived at the objective: I'm here, my heart's pounding!

Protect the objective: Please protect the objective!
Out of my way: Are you really not going to get out of my way? Huh??
Sorry: Sorry~ Forgive me~
Shut up: You're being too loud, I can't get the enemies!
Thanks: As expected, you're the best! Thank you~

Annoyed: Agh, so frustrating, I'm getting dizzy...
Laugh: *laugh*

Heejin English radio commands

Chuu set

Review video src:

The characters also have idle dialogue, Chuu's are
"Hi High...~"
"sour and spicy..." (Hi High)

Chuu jump sounds:
Aja! (T/N: which is like a cheer)

Chuu sounds on fall damage:

Chuu's killstreak voiceovers

(Heejin killstreak voiceovers from prev set)

- Hi Hi~ Nice to meet you! I'm Chuu!
- Chuu! I love you! So good!
- Chuu! Looking forward to working with you [Direct: "Please look upon me favorably"] - love you! Love you so so much!

Chuu voicelines on death
"Oh my god~...yes"
"넌 마치.. Fly like a butterfly~ egh!"
"Cmon, take me away~~😭"
"You attack my heart..~"
"I'm so baaaad~"

Chuu radio dialogue (Korean)
Move: *squeal* Hurry and move!
Covering fire: You'll cover me, right?
Fall back: I wanna fall back.
Need backup: If you don't back me up, I won't either!! Hehe
Hold position: sometimes it's good to take it slow.
Follow me: Who wants to go with Chuu~

(Follow me cont.) ... Cmon and stick with me!
Going A: Chuu will try going A alone!
Going B: Guys! Let's go B! Go go!
Enemy spotted: everyone~ the enemies are gathered here~ heheheh
Taking fire: You~~ I know you're attacking me! Stop!
Enemy down: Enemy removal completed~

Sector clear: knock knock~ Chuu's here~
Got it: That sounds really good!
Move out: *squeal* I love charging in!
No: Chuu doesn't like that~
Nice shot: *yell* The best, the best!
At the objective: Chuu's here! What do I need to do?
Protect objective: Protect the objective please!

Go away: Hey, I'm busy!
Sorry: Sorry sorry~
Shut up: Stop chatting and focus~ Got it?
Thanks: Thanks~
Annoyed: You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?
Laugh: WOOOOOw! *laugh*

Chuu radio commands (English)

Review of the black outfit skins can be found here:

[Same voiceovers and emotes]

Chuu's grenade voiceovers
- Chuu grenade! "You attack my heart! You attack my heart!" Yay!
- Chuu-naaaaade, yaow!

[that's the thread, for now, I think]

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