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OpenParlyZW is a project of Magamba Network that seeks to open the Parliament of Zimbabwe to promote and enable engagement between decision-makers & Citizens

Apr 1, 2021, 17 tweets

We are live from the Public Accounts Committee where Zesa Holdings executive members are giving oral evidence over forensic report #OpenParlyZW…

There is no loss in the meters which add up to the $ 993500 #OpenParlyZW

We were already behind in the payment of the supplier so we did an economic batch #OpenParlyZW

I was only given time answer to one item in the forensic report #OpenParlyZW

The Transform testing bay was not bought in 1998 #OpenParlyZW

I can confirm that the late engineer the transform was not discounted #OpenParlyZW

Hon Bushu: Are you in agreement that there are variations #OpenParlyZW

This was already in agreement with the already existing agreements #OpenParlyZW

They are two things involve one is the procurement and the other is the financing of the project, if you are not borrowing you don't need the parent ministry approval #OpenParlyZW

We didn't follow the procedure to the latter #OpenParlyZW

We have now created a fully-fledged team for specific projects #OpenParlyZW

We saved over Usd 7 million but it was used to pay outstanding debt #OpenParlyZW

There was a board resolutions in the payment of the debt #OpenParlyZW

I don't know the reason why they paid once off Usd35 million instead of paying in phases #OpenParlyZW

What procedure did Zesa carry out #OpenParlyZW

They used estimates for the previous projects #OpenParlyZW

Hon Raidza : Is it the practice at Zesa

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