We are live from the Public Accounts Committee where Zesa Holdings executive members are giving oral evidence over forensic report #OpenParlyZW facebook.com/openparlyzw/vi…
There is no loss in the meters which add up to the $ 993500 #OpenParlyZW
We were already behind in the payment of the supplier so we did an economic batch #OpenParlyZW
I was only given time answer to one item in the forensic report #OpenParlyZW
The Transform testing bay was not bought in 1998 #OpenParlyZW
I can confirm that the late engineer the transform was not discounted #OpenParlyZW
Hon Bushu: Are you in agreement that there are variations #OpenParlyZW
This was already in agreement with the already existing agreements #OpenParlyZW
They are two things involve one is the procurement and the other is the financing of the project, if you are not borrowing you don't need the parent ministry approval #OpenParlyZW
We didn't follow the procedure to the latter #OpenParlyZW
We have now created a fully-fledged team for specific projects #OpenParlyZW
We saved over Usd 7 million but it was used to pay outstanding debt #OpenParlyZW
There was a board resolutions in the payment of the debt #OpenParlyZW
I don't know the reason why they paid once off Usd35 million instead of paying in phases #OpenParlyZW
HON. A. GUMBO: Thank you very much Mr. Speaker Sir. My statement of national importance arises from the Constitution of the land. And I will make particular reference, Mr. Speaker Sir, to Section 225 of the
Constitution of Zimbabwe.
HON. A GUMBO: For the benefit of those who might not be in the know of the said section, I will so read. Section 225 of the Constitution Hon. Speaker, stipulates that the President must appoint a Minister to be responsible for any intelligence service and that is part four of the Constitution of the land.
HON. A GUMBO: Now, Mr. Speaker Sir, it is common knowledge that when several appointments of Ministers of Government were gazetted and assignments were attributed to the different Ministers of State in the President's Office, there was never mention of an appointment of a Minister in charge of or responsible for intelligence service in this country.
HON. SEN. RITTA NDLOVU: Thank you Mr. President. I am directing my question to the Leader of Government Business. Of late, we have seen evictions of families in various resettlement areas in almost all provinces and no alternative accommodation being offered despite offer letters having been issued. #GutuEvictions @ForumMasvingo @TheMirrorMsv
HON.SEN. RITTA NDLOVU: What is the Government policy on resettlement of families? I thank you. #GutuEvictions @MoLAFWRD_Zim
JUSTICE MINISTER ZIYAMBI ZIYAMBI: Thank you Mr. President. I want to thank the Hon. Senator for the question which is a very important question. The Government policy has always been consistent in that we have a resettlement policy where the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water, and Rural Development is in charge of that process of ensuring that we have an orderly process of resettling our people. #GutuEvictions
@chikwinya2015 :the lockdown regulations have been eased and it is my plea Hon. Speaker that ZUPCO has demonstrated incapacity to be able to carry every passenger. Therefore, I move that the transporters who then operated outside ZUPCO because the ZUPCO model was no longer viable
Speaker of Parliament Adv J Mudenda : Very important observation, I think His Excellency the President made that observation and indicated that the Minister of Local Government must ensure that ZUPCO buses do keep their times and so on. We will transmit your request accordingly
Mutare mayor Blessing Tandi: Our water sources have been facing challenges of pollution from illegal artisanal mining activities but we thank the law enforcement agents who have been assisting to maintain order. #Shoko2021#TheHubZW#ShokoUNIVERSE
Norton Mayor Gumisirai: We get water from Harare and we depend on @cohsunshinecity for all water chemicals for treatment. Harare itself is failing to supply water adequately.