Hari Kunzru Profile picture
Kopfarbeiter, new novel: Blue Ruin, columnist: @harpers, podcast: Into the Zone, professor: NYU CWP, member: CFU UAW ~ Never again for anyone

Apr 2, 2021, 7 tweets

I know everyone’s dunking on the bit in the #SewellReport where they suggest that instead of teaching the downside of colonialism we make a fun list of Indian-origin English words, but I think it might start more conversations than you think

Loot, for example

The Hobson-Jobson dictionary of Colloquial Anglo-Indian slang is available online. It contains a wealth of context and I’d fully support its use as a textbook

Pariah (@ProfSunnySingh)

And, of course, thug: (@KimAtiWagner)

To explain why I started with Dum Dum bullet. One for the ethics and empire crowd

That quote opens a great paper on early British colonial counterinsurgency by @KimAtiWagner watermark.silverchair.com/dbx053.pdf?tok…

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