Hari Kunzru Profile picture
Novelist: Blue Ruin, Red Pill, White Tears etc. Podcast: Into the Zone. Teaching: NYU CWP ~ No Kings. Never again for anyone
4 subscribers
Aug 7, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
This company Prosecraft appears to have stolen a lot of books, trained an AI, and are now offering a service based on that data blog.shaxpir.com/prosecraft-lin… I did not consent to this use of my work. White Tears by Hari Kunzru this is a SHAXPIR project how does it work? WHITE TEARS HARI 2PI (about 324 pages) 81,010 TOTAL WORDS 428d PERCENTILE or all the books in our brary 87.99% VIVIDNESS GIst PERCENTILE or athe books in our brar 7.78% PASSIVE VOICE 428d PERCENTILE of all the books in our library 2.34% ALL ADVERBS 13th PERCENTILE of all the books in our library 0.74% LY-ADVERBS 20th PERCENTILE of all the books in our library 1.60% NON-LY-ADVERBS 15th PERCENTILE of all the books in our library clippings from this book We've analyzed hundreds of millions of words, from thousands or differ...
May 2, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Writers in other fields should be paying attention to the WGA negotiations. Here's the current position on the use of AI. Union proposal: regulate us... They want to be able to train models on your work, so they can get that Barton Fink feeling without needing to pay Barton Fink.
Dec 16, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
Real canary in a coalmine stuff that Twitter has just suspended @atrupar also Washington Post's @drewharwell
Jul 31, 2022 24 tweets 11 min read
I've been traveling for a while, and some good book and music mail was waiting for me when I got back. I also bought some things in Paris. So, a thread of the TBR / TBListened pile Gallimard are doing a series of political tracts. Badiou, political crime writer Didier Daeninckx and a collective of historians taking down Zemmour's distortions of French history
May 26, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
Uvalde should lay to rest the myth of the ‘good guy with a gun’ being an effective protection for anyone or anything. TX has more guns per capita than any state in the US, US has more guns than any other country in the world.
May 25, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Carlson has same pseudo-decent talking point. But this is what mourning looks like - people angry and sad enough to want to do something, rather than pretending it’s like the damn weather. There is a posture of learned helplessness adopted by US politicians in the face of this and many other problems. Words like ‘tragedy’ drain away agency.
May 23, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Under the whale at the ⁦@PENamerica⁩ gala Image They made an unburnable copy of The Handmaid’s Tale - 100% flame retardant, tested by @MargaretAtwood with an actual flame thrower Image
May 20, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
CPAC meeting in Hungary days after Orban reaffirms his belief in the Great Replacement conspiracy. Orban proposes some kind of far right International and prescribes Tucker Carlson “24/7” theguardian.com/us-news/2022/m… Orban really doubling down on the white Christian nationalism vox.com/2022/5/19/2312…
Feb 26, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Cheap performativity coupled with an effective closure of the border to refugees Patel’s Home Office really shaming the UK
Jan 10, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Ruling party built secret app to manipulate online discourse and harass critics in “world’s largest democracy” #India Tekfog is used to send a huge volume of harassing messages to prominent women journalists
Nov 29, 2021 8 tweets 1 min read
I can’t see that Telegraph piece about how there’s a “crisis” in English literary fiction because of le wokisme (paywall) but I do have thoughts When I was first published an older white writer told me *to my face* that the only reason my novel got more attention than his was because I wasn’t white. So this tone of resentment isn’t new. The “crisis” is at least 20 years old
Jul 11, 2021 15 tweets 2 min read
I have bad semi-informed opinions about football but even I am rolling my eyes at some of the ‘just kick the ball more’ comments from USians on the TL Basically until you care enough to stick a flare up your bum you should probably just RT
Jul 9, 2021 7 tweets 1 min read
A great evening here in our house. A certain ex-president (no, not that one, the literate one) just chose @katiekitamura’s Intimacies as one of his summer reads Image Let’s just say that this has taken the edge off her pre-publication nerves
May 29, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
The desire to claim victimhood is one of the most consistent features of the American right. My best guess is that they feel like early Christian martyrs (without the actual martyrdom ofc) - a righteous misunderstood minority who will one day be vindicated.
May 18, 2021 14 tweets 4 min read
I hate talking about Israel-Palestine on twitter. It seems hopeless. You make enemies. But it also feels cowardly to say nothing. I’ve been trying to work out what I could say about the situation that won’t immediately be processed along partisan lines. [thread] Many Americans worry that any criticism of the occupation is either inherently antisemitic or gives comfort to anti-Semites. Here’s a picture that may complicate that. I took it in Hebron in 2016. Two settlers abuse Breaking the Silence activist in Hebron
May 1, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
More jaw-dropping polling from France (via @b_judah)

French society is disintegrating — 73%

The army should intervene without being given an order to guarantee order and security in France — 49%

France will soon know civil war — 45% In the run-up to a Presidential election with Marine Le Pen as the main challenger, there’s also this:

In France, there exists a form of antiracism that exacerbates hate between communities — 74%
Apr 30, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
If you don’t want people to think your new robot dog is a dystopian nightmare, maybe don’t take it to arrest someone at a housing project And the sad robot dog handler saying it’s our fault because we didn’t understand
Apr 29, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
It’s always weird to toggle back to UK politics and discover that the Prime Minister will probably have to resign because his girlfriend mocked the preferred department store of the upper middle classes Doing up number 11 as a sort of Neocolonial nabob’s boudoir won’t go down well in Frinton-on-sea
Apr 10, 2021 15 tweets 5 min read
The idea of photoshopping smiles onto Tuol Sleng prisoners is completely deranged. I think @VICE should take this down. There’s no value to it. It disrespects the dead and, as others have said, falsifies history.
Apr 2, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
I know everyone’s dunking on the bit in the #SewellReport where they suggest that instead of teaching the downside of colonialism we make a fun list of Indian-origin English words, but I think it might start more conversations than you think Loot, for example
Mar 31, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Congratulations to the UK on ending centuries of institutional racism in the few years since I left the country! I did hear something about a ‘hostile environment’ but that must have been a misspelling of ‘beacon to the world’ Also, great job on policing! Turns out that they’re not political, they’re just doing their job.