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Assistant Professor @iittmofficial || On a mission to aware Hindus on Temples ll Indian Knowledge Systems mentor || Insta - tourism_teacher II తెలుగోడు

Apr 2, 2021, 32 tweets

A thread on the status of temples,

As we think #FreeHinduTemples is not just the issue. The Temple Problems are Multi Level & Multi Fold. Mainly the way they are preserved, renovated & cared.

@ReclaimTemples @punarutthana @LostTemple7 @SadhguruJV @ShefVaidya @TheSaveTemples

The step motherly treatment of Hindu Temples can be felt from the photos Shared here.

1. These 1000 yrs old Ashapuri Temples built by Pratiharas & Paramars are yet to be renovated.

2. The mutilated Murtis from this temple complex lie in utterly neglected state in a small compound few Kms away. Look at the condition of Murtis @wiavastukala

3. The heliodorus Pillar Complex is the one of the oldest recorded proof of Vishnu Worship & His Temple. This is the condition it is in. Are we Hindus ready to proudly reclaim this?. Imagine the places like Gobekli Tepe & how they are cared by western societies.

4. One of the Grandest temple in Madhya Bharath - Vijaya Mandal is yet to see its day, this is just the Base of temple. Imagine in its fullest. Cant we do anything about it?

5. Look of the front view of Viajaya Mandal temple (Locally known as Bijamandal Mosque). This is all that we could have. This is the Grandest temple of Madhya Bharath.

6. The elements are waiting eagerly for decades in the campus to be added to the temple, which may not happen any soon.

7. Vidisha museum hoards some of the best Master pieces of Hindu Murtis. Some in Dark rooms, Some in the open, thrown carelessly, once these Murtis were worshipped with utmost divinity.

8. Athkhambi (8 Pilllared Mandapa) Temple near Vidisha is the only left over part of the 1000 Year old Grand Shiva Temple. Today it is Encroached & is suffocating. Unless searched, this would never be visible to passersby.

9. Though enough elements are present to resurrect the Vishnu Temple of Hindola Toran Complex, they lie as is for centuries.

10. Maladevi Temple collapsed from inside. In the generation of "Inter-Planetary Travels", our experts are not able to renovate the temple and restore the lost glory. They only say "Only God Can Solve the Maladevi Puzzle". Seriously?

11. Have a look at how Bajramath (Vajramath) Temple is. Compare it with the restoration works of buildings around the Delhi.

12. One of the best preserved Temples in Madhya Bharath, even after multiple attacks, is the Udaipur, Udayeswar Temple. Accessing this temple by road is next to impossible. Encroached, Congested & Neglected.

13. Pathari Jain Temples are so delicate that, they may fall any time due to Stone Quarry work going on Just 100 Kms away. Even after repeated complaints, there is no response - You can understand who is involved in the Quarry work.

14. Gadarmal Temple is as is the day it was ransacked. nothing has changed.

15. One of the Parivara shrine of Shrine of Gadarmal Looks like this. what do you think, for how many days this is gonna be like this? Will they ever become complete and its God sits Inside?

16. One of the Oldest Complex of Vishnu with Largest Varaha Murti in the World is in shambles. They are still without proper over head cover. Is there any rule/law that only if ancient elements are found only then the temple would be resurrected? otherwise will be left to god?

17. Pancha Pandava Complex of Mahabalipuram itself is the greatest example of how, our temples have become tourist spots. The Visitors in the complex have zero regard for what's built in granite some 1500 yrs ago by pallavas. With shoes they climb wherever they wish.

18. The Controversial Siddhpur Rudra Mahalaya is yet to see its Dawn. Why?

19. While the tombs are preserved using foreign technology and the process is done with utmost care and documentation teaching to students, the Bishnupur Temples are Smiling at us.

20. One of the worst renovation till date is this Harshat Mata Temple of Abhaneri. The magnificent "MahaMeru Shikhara is adjusted to an Ugly Dome.

21. What are we waiting for? Waiting to see its total fall so that we are relieved that one structure is less to be preserved. Kakanmath Temple, Gwalior.

22. Around 100 Temples are rebuilt and 100 more are to be resurrected. its been a decade, the scaffhold is rusting but the Batesar will never be complete mark my words.

23. The Tirtankaras of Deogarh are yet to see their shrines.

24. Do you see the lumps on the Shikhara of Dasavatara Temple, Deogarh? one of the earliest exmaples of Nagara Shikahara from Gupta Era cannot be restored?

25. At every stone of Meenal Temple, you can shred a tear. It may take another century to solve this Stone Puzzle.

26. The status of temple on the other side of Meenal Waterfalls need not be said. It is Abandoned.

27. What is this Mandapika Shrine is doing in Gujri Mahal of Gwalior? when will its womb be filled with its God?

28. Do we Hindus have the power to keep this Amalaka back in its place on the Shikara of Nareswar Temple near Gwalior? or is our technology efficient enough to do so or not?

29. The Great Swayambhu Shiva Temple of Kakatiyas. You should roll on the ground crying with happiness for the excellent restoration that's done. Isn't it?

30. Who is to be blamed? Who is responsible for this utter carelessness of Hindu Heritage? Why are we not able to proudly reclaim what's ours? @ReclaimTemples @punarutthana @LostTemple7 @TheSaveTemples @ShefVaidya @SadhguruJV @PawanKalyan @wiavastukala @narendramodi

This is just a small glimpse. Twitter is not enough to explain the suffering our temples are going through.
#FreeHinduTemples #reclaimtemples.


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