Hiddeπ Amur∆Ka: Thr𓂀ce (G)REatEST ॐ Profile picture
Interior Way ॐ Philosopher King ☆ Alchemist 𓂀 Eternal Student ☆ Author of Piercing the Veil, God of Reflections, Cup of Hermes ⚚ & Apocalypse of Hidden AmuraKa

Apr 2, 2021, 9 tweets

Saint JE+ROME of sTRIdon known as Hieronymus, the Hermit & 'Doctor' of the Church. He was given the 'duty' to make Major Revisions of the Latin Bible based on Controversial Doctrines, Original Sin & Perpetual Virgin Birth of Mary, & the Greek Manuscripts of the New Testament.

He UPdated the Psalter or Book of Psalms based on the Septuagint, 'translating' much of what became the Latin Vulgate Bible. He copied the Hebrew Gospel, fragments preserved. Today known as the Gospel of the Hebrews which the Nazarenes considered to be the true Gospel of Matthew.

As a result of his writings against Pelagianism (Doctrine: Against Being Born into Original Sin), 'a body of excited partisans broke into the Monastic Buildings, set them on fire, attacked the Inmates and killed a Deacon, forcing Jerome to seek safety in a neighboring Fortress.

One Day, a Lion entered the monASTRY where Jerome resided, causing his fellow monks to flee, but Jerome recognized that the beast was injured. Using Gold tweezers, He extracted the Thorn from the Lion's Paw. Allegorical taking the Beast out of the Man.

He is one of the 'The Four Doctors' of the Western Church are GrEGOry, AmbROSE, Augustine & Jerome. The 'Original' Hermit in the Wildness said to have heard the 'Trumpet's of Judgement on His Deathbed.'

He is often depicted w/ his Allegoric Lion (Man is the Beast. The Lion is King. Take the 'Lion' out of the Man, & Man becomes King) & is connected to the Vanitas/Vanity Motif 'a Reflection on the Meaninglessness of Earthly Life & the Transient Nature of Earthly Goods & Pursuits.'

At the School of Alexandria, Jerome listened to the c Didymus the Blind expounding the Prophet Hosea & telling of Anthony the Great, who had died 30 years before. Jerome spent some time in Nitria, the "City of the Lord". City of the Lord? Nitria found by AMUN? More on that later!

It was Jerome's Major Revisions to Doctrine that made Martin LutHER detest him so severely. PROTESTants do NOT accept his Strict teachings & writings as AUTHORitative. Jerome died in Cave, 'close to the CAVE where Jesus was Born', near Bethlehem on Sept. 30, 420. 9/30/420 = 18= 9

Why the Thread on such a little known 'Saint' or Hermit? Language of Allegory & Symbolism. The Red (Root Chakra) Hat/ String tells his Role as 'Cardinal' even though that Title didn't exist. 🦁 Reinforces this. A Fixed 🔥 Sign, Leo the 🦁, Pointing to the Cardinal Direction East.

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