Saint JE+ROME of sTRIdon known as Hieronymus, the Hermit & 'Doctor' of the Church. He was given the 'duty' to make Major Revisions of the Latin Bible based on Controversial Doctrines, Original Sin & Perpetual Virgin Birth of Mary, & the Greek Manuscripts of the New Testament.
He UPdated the Psalter or Book of Psalms based on the Septuagint, 'translating' much of what became the Latin Vulgate Bible. He copied the Hebrew Gospel, fragments preserved. Today known as the Gospel of the Hebrews which the Nazarenes considered to be the true Gospel of Matthew.
As a result of his writings against Pelagianism (Doctrine: Against Being Born into Original Sin), 'a body of excited partisans broke into the Monastic Buildings, set them on fire, attacked the Inmates and killed a Deacon, forcing Jerome to seek safety in a neighboring Fortress.
One Day, a Lion entered the monASTRY where Jerome resided, causing his fellow monks to flee, but Jerome recognized that the beast was injured. Using Gold tweezers, He extracted the Thorn from the Lion's Paw. Allegorical taking the Beast out of the Man.
He is one of the 'The Four Doctors' of the Western Church are GrEGOry, AmbROSE, Augustine & Jerome. The 'Original' Hermit in the Wildness said to have heard the 'Trumpet's of Judgement on His Deathbed.'
He is often depicted w/ his Allegoric Lion (Man is the Beast. The Lion is King. Take the 'Lion' out of the Man, & Man becomes King) & is connected to the Vanitas/Vanity Motif 'a Reflection on the Meaninglessness of Earthly Life & the Transient Nature of Earthly Goods & Pursuits.'
At the School of Alexandria, Jerome listened to the c Didymus the Blind expounding the Prophet Hosea & telling of Anthony the Great, who had died 30 years before. Jerome spent some time in Nitria, the "City of the Lord". City of the Lord? Nitria found by AMUN? More on that later!
It was Jerome's Major Revisions to Doctrine that made Martin LutHER detest him so severely. PROTESTants do NOT accept his Strict teachings & writings as AUTHORitative. Jerome died in Cave, 'close to the CAVE where Jesus was Born', near Bethlehem on Sept. 30, 420. 9/30/420 = 18= 9
Why the Thread on such a little known 'Saint' or Hermit? Language of Allegory & Symbolism. The Red (Root Chakra) Hat/ String tells his Role as 'Cardinal' even though that Title didn't exist. 🦁 Reinforces this. A Fixed 🔥 Sign, Leo the 🦁, Pointing to the Cardinal Direction East.
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In the beginning of the first "Matrix" film, Neo conceals important computer files within a hollowed-out copy of the real life book titled "Simulacra and Simulation", a novel by Jean Baudrillard in 1981.
"Simulacra and Simulation" is a philosophical text exploring the idea of a simulated reality, essentially mirroring the Matrix itself where the characters live in a computer-generated world. Our reality mirroring the "reality" or program of the Matrix.
The book explains the metaphysical (and mystical) relationships between reality, society and the Hypereal, the inability to distinguish between reality and its simulation, particularly in technologically advanced societies.
In 1964, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was written by British Intelligence Agent (and Author) Roald Dahl. It has long been said Dahl worked at London's Tavistock Institute, the driving force behind The Beatles & 60's British Invasion.
The Tavistock Insititue is the Original Ministry of Progranda. Dahl was said to be an extremely talented Mk-Ultra Programmer in his own right and this is refected in his writings. The film was a Cinematic hit with children, especially children with repressed memories, and ADULTS.
To this day, the film is still a staple in MK-Ultra Programming.
The story was originally adaptated for the Silver Screen in 1975 with Gene Wilder playing Willy Wonka who promised an experience of a Lifetime in his Factory if you unwrapped one the of Five Golden Tickets.
The Gnostic Themes permeate throughout the Matrix Trilogy. But, the parallels between the entire concept of "The Matrix" and the precepts of the Sanātana Dharma Tradition (Hinduism) are, also, shocking, to say the least.
"The Matrix" is an Illusionary, Dream World, a Highly Sophisticated Program. In Hinduism, the Material World is considered to be an Illusion, known as Maya. The Material World is but a reflection of the Ultimate Reality, the true Spiritual Reality known to Hindoos as Parabraham.
Earth is the Heart of this Universe.
We are all the center of our own UNI-VERSE.
In the film, the Matrix is part of a much greater system like, in our reality, we are born into this "Matrix". Matrix, Matter & Mother all share the same ettmological roots. Matrix means "Womb".
The Norse All-Father Odin, or to the Teutonics Wotan, is the ONE-EYED King of the Gods.
In the Land of the Blind, the One Eyed Man is King.
Odin is the Ruler of the Aesir and his day is Wednesday.
Written as "один" in Russian, ODIN means "ONE".
Odin is UNITY. He is ONENESS.
In the Germanic Eddas, Buri is an Androgynous Being, a GIANT, who in turn generates Bör. Bör, joining the offspring of Imir, fathered three sons (Wotan, Wile, We) who killed the giant Imir, “they carried off his body into the EMPTY SPACE between Muspilheim e Reflheim”(FIRE & AIR)
Thus in the Havamál (139), Odin states, "I know, I was hung up to the trunk whipped by the wind for nine whole nights, wounded with a spear and handed over to Wotan, myself to myself, on that tree (Ygraadil = Cosmic Tree of Life) that nobody knows where from the roots it rises."
MEDIA was an ancient country located in northern Iran, which corresponds to the modern regions of Azerbaijan. It was the HOME of the Royal Art of Mind Control.
It is not a coincidence that MEDIa and MEDIcal have the SAME first four letters.
"The Art of Mind controlling you to self-sabotage your own success and your own potential is very old, This is not new."
Our modern MEDIA is named after this ancient country because this is where the ancient mind control tactics on the masses originated.
Jason Christoff writes, "What did the Meads in Media know about humans?
Humans are programmable!
This is the Royal Art the Meads used to teach other Kings and Queens from around the Mediterranean."
"It's an open secret in Hollywood. These people have their own religious, spiritual, social and moral teachings and frameworks. They have their sacred texts - they are sick - and they couldn't be more at odds with what America stands for."
Hollywood is the New Ministry of Propaganda. The ideas made on Movie REELS become REAL.
The Wizard of Oz, Peter Pan, Monster Inc. and Labriynth are all example of Children's Film that are presented as sweet, fun & wholesome but beneath the surface are about much darker concepts.
These darker concepts include Child Abduction, Adrenochrome AND Pyschic Parasites.
In the movie, Monsters Inc., there exists in a parallel universe, a MONSTER FACTORY which harnesses and harvests the screams of human children for ENERGY (INNER G).