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Policy Wonk | Sophophilic | Completist | Tekdivist | Nemophilist | Biased for Action

Apr 2, 2021, 26 tweets

#BirdsSeenIn2021 ๐Ÿงต๐Ÿ‘‡

#IndiAves @IndiAves #Birding #birdwatching #BirdsOfIndia

Hair crested Drongo

Rose ringed Parakeet

Spotted necked Dove

Red wattled Lapwing

Verditer Flycatcher

Great Barbet

Jungle Owlet

Indian Gray Hornbill

Russet/Cinnamon Sparrow

Blue Throated Barbet

White eared/Yellow vented Bulbul

Cinereous Tit

Black Kite

White browed Wagtail

Black throated Bushtit

Cattle Egret

Painted Stork

Black Bulbul

Common Starling

Streaked Laughing Thrush

Mixed this one up. This is the Blue Whistling Thrush ๐Ÿ’™

So here is my theory, if you observe a #peepal tree for long enough, it blesses you with a Barbet. Today it was the Coppersmith Barbet! #IndiAves #BirdsSeenIn2021 @IndiAves #BalconyBirding

Rose ringed Parakeet (incorrect ID in earlier tweet) #BirdsSeenIn2021 #IndiAves #BirdsOnWires

More of these fellas from the #BalconyBirding exploits. #BirdsSeenIn2021 @IndiAves #IndiAves

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