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Tracking the crimes and corruption of Donald Trump & allies since 2020. Inspired by @sarahkendzior’s books. A partner of @DeprogramUSA. Signal: trumpfile.2025

Apr 2, 2021, 7 tweets

Trump Tweets, April 2nd

On April 2, 2012, Donald Trump smeared Barack Obama by saying Russia loves him... Oh, how the tables turned.

April 2, 2013: "With Dr. Dror Paley & Dr. Ben Carson with two wonderful children at Mar-a-Lago."

April 2, 2015 - Two months before he announced his candidacy.

"Politicians are all talk and no action. Washington can only be fixed by an outsider. Let’s make America great again!"

The tweet included a link to his website, which was already collecting info from future donors.

April 2, 2016 - Trump was pissed that Fox brought experts on to talk about nuclear war instead of him.

Today in 2018, Trump tweeted six times about the Mexico border and caravans. He also defended Sinclair Broadcasting, the conservative news company that made headlines for having news hosts around the country read the same script about fake news.

Today in 2020, Gov. Cuomo was worried that the government wasn't doing enough to help New York against #COVID. Trump responded by tweeting that he's sending "massive amounts of supplies, EVEN HOSPITALS," and that states have to protect themselves.

This is the first time I've done a "today in" thread of Trump tweets. Should I do this more often?

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