N0rth0ftheW4ll 🇺🇲🇺🇦 Profile picture
Its always darkest before the sunrise....

Apr 4, 2021, 13 tweets

This is concerning when seemingly random Kremlin-aligned troll accounts like "Best Health 4 You" start to converge on a new propaganda narrative aligned with recent troop movements.

Well-know Putin apologists seem to be laying the groundwork that it was actually Ukraine that was the aggressor and Russia merely invaded Crimea to protect them from the crazed Ukrainians.

Oh Nathalie 48919727, who just found Twitter in November .... you have a very interesting reading list. As for George ... we all know George's story. He apparently is picking up where Ron Johnson and Giuliani left off.

Between a drone strike that supposedly killed a 5 yr old and stuff like this recycled footage ... its going to get increasingly difficult to figure out what is actually happening, what is real and what is information warfare coming from the Kremlin.

This sure calls into question the Russian claims on April 3rd that a 5 yr old was killed on purpose by a Ukrainian drone strike in Crimea. via @mhmck

We analyzed our archive of Kremlin-aligned #Hamilton68 twitter trolls, focusing on the subset that is most focused on Russian geopolitics, and created a wordcloud of 19755 tweets collected between April 1st - April 4th. #disinfo #infoOps

Not surprisingly much of the focus is on the conflict in Crimea & Russia's occupation of this part of Ukraine. There's been an alarming troop buildup here & increased Russian propaganda efforts. One such effort, the allegation a 5 yr old was killed by an Ukrainian drone

No such verifiable evidence yet exists for this claim but nevertheless this was pushed out by Kremlin-aligned trolls and state run Russian media to English, German, French and Italian audiences.

And of course state-run Iranian media ...

One of Tara Reade's early handlers of course was also in on the action.

Using Hoaxy analysis the @/DeanoBeano1 account was easily the top early spreader of this story.

Interesting .... I mean it is only a matter of time before the real story will eventually get out.

And here is how the Russian propaganda narrative is successfully and fully laundered creating the final feedback loop.

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