I have been thinking to put down why #FreeHinduTemples is important, with the story of @srigokarna temple!!
The thread may look bit lengthy, but it is very important for all of us to understand why it is important.
Deity & devotee: is temple! No role for govt here!
Along with establishment of @ShankaraPeetha at Srikshetra Gokarna 1300 years ago by Adiguru Shankaracharya, the administration of @srigokarna was given to SriMatha with notes:
अतित्रष्ट यतिश्रेष्ट गोकर्णे मुनिसेविते। महाबलस्य च लिंगंच नित्यं विधिवदर्चनम।।
In between, the Mahabaleshwara temple @srigokarna which was supposed to be administered by @ShankaraPeetha got covered by the premises of Muzrai department by mistake of the government.
In 2008, this mistake was noticed and rectified by the then state government of Karnataka by giving back the temple administration and allowing @ShankaraPeetha to place the system back in order at the temple @srigokarna
There have been lot of attacks on @ShankaraPeetha ever since by many vested interests to get back the temple by tarnishing the image, but none of them have been successful, as SriMatha stands with truth being the unbroken guruparampara of Adi Shankaracharya
The point is not about such attacks.
But what do we have to note here is, even though there have been such attempts, @ShankaraPeetha has been doing its duty truthfully which was given to it by AdiShankara while it's establishment 1300 years ago!
Since 2008, temple has observed a tremendous developmental activities in its premises & temple administration got rewarded with ISO certification for better system&transparent admn, which is an evidence for model administration by @ShankaraPeetha
#FreeHinduTemples #FreeTNTemples
One can observe a clear difference before and after the hand over:
* There were no documents prior to 2008 and now there are audited documents for even a rupee under the administration of @ShankaraPeetha
*There was not even a facility for drinking water before and now there is a prasada bhojana system twice a day for all the devotees who visit.
*A special program called 'Gokarna Gourava' has been started which honors a santh everyday.
* Now a great importance is given to cleanliness, which was of a lot of concerns before the temple was handed over to @ShankaraPeetha
*And along with all these, there have been a tremendous developmental activities based on the Devahita- Bhaktahita- Sevakahita elements.
*Many age old traditions which were forgotten in history were digged again and restarted.
*People can even touch the Atmalinga & worship here! This has been a tradition in ancient times and is been revived now!
#FreeHinduTemples #FreeTNTemples
We have to also note down such feedbacks!
And there are many more!
But I think, this is enough to demonstrate why a temple shouldn't be under the administration of government!
And illustrates the importance of #FreeHinduTemples #FreeTNTemples movement!
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