The thread may look bit lengthy, but it is very important for all of us to understand why it is important.
Deity & devotee: is temple! No role for govt here!
Along with establishment of @ShankaraPeetha at Srikshetra Gokarna 1300 years ago by Adiguru Shankaracharya, the administration of @srigokarna was given to SriMatha with notes:
अतित्रष्ट यतिश्रेष्ट गोकर्णे मुनिसेविते। महाबलस्य च लिंगंच नित्यं विधिवदर्चनम।।
#ProtectWithPen is an online campaign to save GouMatha. Today lets spread Harmful Effects of eating Beef!
Gou gives everything what we need, so it is our responsibility to protect her from slaughtering. #ProtectWithPen