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Apr 4, 2021, 8 tweets

Indian Plastic Pipes and Fittings Industry: A Huge multiyear growth opportunity πŸ“ˆ

-Industry to grow at 12-14%. CAGR over next few years.
-Organised segment accounts for 60-65% market share.


Major Growth Drivers-

-Government focus
-Increase in India's per capita plastic consumption.
-Substitution and replacement demand.
- Consolidation in pipes industry.


Types of polymers and applications πŸ‘‡

-Unplasticised Polyvinyl Chloride (UPVC)
- Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC)
-High-density Polyethylene (HDPE)
-Polypropylene Random (PPR)
-Composite Pipe


Growth drivers for the Sector: Irrigation

-Biggest end user for plastic pipes with 45-50% share.
-Huge government focus with several schemes.
-Almost 50% arable land still not irritated .


Growth drivers for the Sector:Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS)and Plumbing

-Second largest end user segment for pipes with 35-40% share.


Growth drivers for the Sector:Real Estate

Huge opportunity in

-Growth in tier2 and tier3 cities.
-Affordable Housing
-Government schemes


Growth drivers for the Sector:Substitutionand Replacement demand and Industry consolidation

-Organised players gaining market share at the cost of regional players with weak balance sheets.
-Replacement of old pipes and rising demand of cpvc pipes.


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