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Apr 5, 2021, 9 tweets

Urgent request of #PJAK #extortion victims to the Iranian government

“PJAK continues to burn people’s property and lives.” This sentence is a summary of a report published by in February 2018. Yet, today, the government remains silent.

Full Article🔻🔻

Meanwhile, the people of Iranian #Kurdistan have been facing the problems of terrorist groups for years, their security is threatened financially and physically. The latest example of this extortion was horrific.

Mr. Danaei and two brothers contracted with the Department of Agriculture to cultivate nearly 4,000 hectares of land in the area & to mechanize agriculture. The people of the area were satisfied & helped them. These machines gave the opportunity to 20 families to make a living.

The project machinery depot of Mr. Danaei was destroyed with diesel and grenades, and all machinery was destroyed. This happened as he refused to pay ransom to #PJAK militants.

Earlier report🔻🔻

Our report made a lot of noise. But in practice, nothing happened to ensure Mr. Danaei’s security & capital loss. The Dep. of Agriculture did not support him. This crime left no means for Mr. Danaei to work. His machines are completely unusable. All 20 families lost their jobs.

Mr. Danaei once again sent a message to IKHRW: “Hello! My dear brother, my life & the lives of my 2 brothers were turned into ashes in one night. What was my fault? Why did some irresponsible people destroyed our lives? While, by God, I have never seen these people."

"But why is no one responsible for us in this government? Where should we take refuge? Should it really be broadcast in foreign media for someone to answer us? The answer to our case came from the Ministry of Interior, which can help only up to 100 million tomans!"

"So where are the security organs? Where are the #IRGC? Why don’t these organs take our hand to blind the eyes of the enemies? What can I do with the 7 billion tomans loss with my 100 million tomans? At least, you (IKHRW) follow our misery.”

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