Simeon Schmauß Profile picture
GeoVisual Design student @hmmuenchen dabbling with photogrammetry, astrophotography, GIS and more... Mastodon:

Apr 6, 2021, 6 tweets

A little while ago I spotted this Dust Devil in the LCAM images that @NASAPersevere captured during the landing phase on Sol 0.
It therefore is the first ever Dust Devil seen by the mission - before it even touched down.

Here is the full sequence, like the other clip playing 20 times faster than real time.

As the rover descends we get a more sideward view on it, so the funnel structure becomes quite obvious.

I approximated its speed to 8.5 m/s, based on this line it traveled in about 34 seconds

I discovered this by shear luck, by reprojecting the video on the terrain, to sort of stabilize it. Having all the images aligned this way I noticed the Dust Devil as a little smudge moving across the terrain.

With this technique I also stabilized the heatshield impact

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