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Advisor to Monterey County Sheriff Scott Miller 2010-2014.

Apr 8, 2021, 6 tweets

Here is a blast from the past, and a @SalinasPD fail.

1. Who was the drug dealer arrested because of Montes' testimony?

2. Who was the man "with a flat top haircut" where the claim is this man was with or arguing with Montes and a passenger in Montes' 1987 pickup?


The least reassuring part is Robin Stuart and Joe Gunter worked on the case.

Fast forward to 2018 and @CityofSalinas Mayor Joe Gunter (now deceased) was writing letters of support for narco trafficker Mike Hackett (friend of @bradleyzeve's managing editor at the Weekly)


#Salinas in 2010, where a handful of corrupt cops and a local judge wrote letters of support for a major player in drug dealing during the same period as Brian Montes - Dave Drew - the guy @JerryBrownGov pardoned in 2018.

tick tock.


Edwards and Drew are still alive - maybe they know additional details of the Brian Montes murder from 1992.


For now we will end this thread with a few words from former & corrupt Sheriff Mike Kanalakis on cops hanging out with felons.

... the do as I say, not as I do leadership that is the disrupted, low morale, low integrity, corrupt department - the @MCoSheriff.

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