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Tracking the crimes and corruption of Donald Trump & allies since 2020. Inspired by @sarahkendzior’s books. A partner of @DeprogramUSA. Signal: trumpfile.2025

Apr 8, 2021, 6 tweets

Trump Tweets, April 8

Here's criminal crybaby Donald Trump on April 8, 2016, suggesting that the Republican primaries and convention will be rigged against him.

Today in 2018, Trump continued tweeting attacks against the Washington Post / Jeff Bezos. He also told his followers that he'll ALWAYS be friends with China President Xi Jinping.

Today in 2019, Trump retweeted #GymJordan defending him not releasing his tax returns. (I have no idea what this B.S. is about the IRS.)

Today in 2020, Trump praised his own response to #COVID. Not because he'd done anything. Just because a lot of people were watching. "The ratings are through the roof."

After boasting about his TV ratings, Trump tweeted that the country must forget about the COVID-19 pandemic.

His first strategy was "don't tell them about it." His second strategy was "make them not care."

I missed yesterday's thread. Here's April 6th tweets.

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