Dr Suzy J Styles Profile picture
Psycholinguist. Brain, Language & Intersensory Perception at NTU Singapore. Juror, Einstein Foundation Award for Quality in Research @suzyjstyles@toot.community

Apr 9, 2021, 7 tweets

Here at @BLIPLabNTU we have been super busy untangling pattens of language use and language development in multilingual Singapore. 1/

2020 was a challenging year for everyone, and continuing our work with families was complicated. We developed a tonne of new tools and new methods for working with families remotely. 2/

We have been working like crazy to get everything ready for sharing with the world in time for #SRCD2021
I had a go at printing all our archive docs (for my records), and it turns out it was... a lot! 3/

Like A LOT lot! That’s @BLIPLabNTU’s posters for #SRCD2021 on the left, and all of the tools we have created to do the work on the right - all of which we have released as Open Access resources this week!
#OA #Openmethods /4

Oh! You would like to play with some of these nice toys? You would like to explore new ways of characterising #bilingualism and #multilingualism ? or finding out about families approach to #languageplanning ? or how to observe parent/child interactions in #onlineresearch? 5/

We have documented all of our #SRCD2021 posters, and all of the tools behind them in a lovely clicky dashboard. Posters at the top, tools supporting them at the bottom 🙌🏻
Feel free to browse and explore our work from #multilingual Singapore! /


I am SO pround of our huge @BLIPLabNTU team who have been working hard towards these goals for >2 years now!
(almost everyone is in this photo)
Check us out and our language history graphed in balloons! 7/

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