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Apr 13, 2021, 10 tweets

#BREAKING US regulators recommend 'pause' in use of J&J vaccine over blood clot fears

#UPDATE US health authorities have recommended a "pause" in the use of the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine "out of an abundance of caution" as they investigate any links between it and blood clots, a regulator says

#UPDATE Top US health authorities have recommended a "pause" in the use of the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine "out of an abundance of caution" as they investigate any links between it and blood clots, a regulator said Tuesday #JohnsonandJohnson

#BREAKING Johnson & Johnson says it will delay European Covid-19 vaccine rollout

#UPDATE Johnson & Johnson said Tuesday it will delay rollout of its Covid-19 vaccine in Europe after US authorities moved to suspend use of the one-jab shot "out of an abundance of caution" as they investigate any links between it and blood clots #JohnsonandJohnson

#BREAKING No 'significant impact' from Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccine pause as jab 'makes up less than five percent of the recorded shots' in US to date: White House

#BREAKING One US patient died from blood clotting complications after receiving Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccine, another critical: senior FDA scientist

#UPDATE One US patient died from blood clotting complications after receiving the Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccine while another is in critical condition, a senior scientist for the Food and Drug Administration said Tuesday #JohnsonandJohnson

#BREAKING South Africa suspends J&J vaccine rollout over blood clot concerns : health minister

#UPDATE South Africa on Tuesday suspended the rollout of the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine over potential blood clot risks reported by the United States, the health minister said

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