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Entrepreneur, Ethical Hacker, Researcher & Techie with a passion for Geopolitics. I love yoga and exploring the beautiful traditions of Bharat | ॐ नमः शिवाय

Apr 13, 2021, 10 tweets

Questions to Mr Nity - First of all, you are making a big and unproven statement of hills, grasslands and water sources being harmed by Isha.

Let's talk first of Noyyal that you have alleged. Isha Foundation's buildings are a few Kilometres far from the river bed.

There is a single small stream flowing through the lands & is left unobstructed. Even High school science students know that 100s of acres of forest & tree cover are required to create a single water stream. Several such water streams form a tributary, many of which form a river.

<1% of Noyyal river basin is near a forest area and in that <0.0001% is flowing through lands near the Isha Yoga Center.

The argument that many institutions near Velliangiri hills are causing problems for Noyyal river water does not make any sense.

The majority of water supply to the Noyyal river is because of the rainfall. Noyyal has been having problems only because of irregular rain supply. When rain has been fine, the river water flow has been fine too. But when that rainwater supply is not enough, it is going dry.

As for Isha's buildings being in catchment area, the whole of Kongu belt is actually Noyyal catchment area. By argument, nobody can live in any of these places. So, stop spreading lies.

Now that this river argument is busted, the arguments of illegal constructions is also no longer valid. Isha Foundation has offered a clear explanation of the history of problems they had with HACA clearance and that the clearance has already been obtained.

And they have taken the legal route to stop the so-called 'demolition notice' before they got the approval.

Other than simply making statements, if you have real proofs that the Adiyogi statue is having no approvals, I beckon you to publish it publicly.

Your phone call claims seem the most bogus of all - please publish any records of that.

Cauvery has been calling for decades now, even before Isha Foundation even came into existence. Your article has not showcased any proofs of how Isha has really impacted Cauvery.

Earlier you and your buddies claimed that the Adiyogi statue was built by destroying forest lands. However, it was clearly proven later that the statue is in patta land, which you are forced to accept in your article also, and is in the midst of farmlands.

At best, your post is a hodge-podge of allegations & some timelines. But you have conveniently ignored timelines when they got:

- Legal stop for demolition notice
- HACA approvals

And why dig something from 2019 and share as if it is yesterday's news? What is your real motive?

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