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Apr 14, 2021, 10 tweets

Join WHO, the Canadian government and world leaders for the Global #Diabetes Summit and hear about a new initiative that will bring a much-needed boost to efforts to prevent diabetes and bring treatment to all who need it.


How much do you know about #diabetes

👀 Watch to learn more about the causes, symptoms and how it can be treated 👇

WHO is launching a Global #Diabetes Compact to catalyze political commitment for action to increase the accessibility and affordability of life-saving medicines for diabetes and also for its prevention and diagnosis.
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Do you live with #diabetes or care for someone with the condition❓

Tune in to today’s Global Diabetes Summit to learn how you can help ensure that all people living with diabetes have access to treatment and care.


Why does the world need to act now❓

#Diabetes is a global epidemic. 6% of the 🌐’s population has diabetes. This number is 4⃣ times what it was 4⃣0⃣ years ago and is expected to rise beyond half a billion by the end of the decade.

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About half of all adults with type 2 #diabetes remain undiagnosed and 50% of people with type 2 diabetes don’t get the insulin they need.

It's time to act now 👉

With the right care, people with #diabetes can live long and healthy lives.


Innovation will be one of the core components of the Compact, with a focus on developing and evaluating low-cost technologies and digital solutions for #diabetes care.

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The Global #Diabetes Compact will focus on catalyzing progress by setting global coverage targets for diabetes care. A “global price tag” will quantify the costs and benefits of meeting these new targets.

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#Bhutan 🇧🇹 has seen a rising trend of #diabetes over the past 4 decades.

With support from WHO & partners, the country is working to ensure people living with diabetes have access to insulin & other life-saving medicines.

More info 👉

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