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Apr 15, 2021, 11 tweets

Caterpillar cakes, ranked.

1/ Colin the Caterpillar - M&S

The OG. Simple, effective, nice mix of white and milk chocolate topped with smarties.

2/ Cecil the Caterpillar - Waitrose

I like the rice paper eyes and the white chocolate stripes are a nice touch, but the proportions are just a bit off. Dumpy.

3/ Curly the Caterpillar - Tesco

Taste wise I like the fondant face, and chewy gummy drops on the caterpillar's back, but the look is just creepy. With eyes like that it could be a tank engine.

4/ Wiggles the Caterpillar - Sainsbury's

The hundreds and thousands are a nice touch but loses originality points as the face looks like a carbon copy of Colin, and extra points lost over lack of alliteration.

5/ Morris the Caterpillar - Morrisons

Looks sad. Poor craftsmanship on the eyes and weak back decorations. Far from top tier.

6/ Cuthbert the Caterpillar - Aldi

Very low effort cake. Sporadic small smarties, no originality on the face. Can see why they're being sued.

7/ Clyde the Caterpillar - ASDA

Horrific. Only give to someone you hate. The companion 'make it yourself' kit is the stuff of nightmares.

8/ 'Celebration Caterpillar Cake' - Iceland
'Curious Caterpillar Cake' - Co Op

Both disqualified for not having proper names.

9/ Connie the Caterpillar - M&S

Terrifying and frankly sexist.

10/ Bonnie the Caterpillar - ASDA.

No alliteration. Name is a blatant rhyme rip off of Connie. If anything should be sued it's this one.

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