Patrick Chovanec Profile picture
Private sector economic advisor. Author of the newly released book “Cleared for the Option: A Year Learning to Fly”. #avgeek

Apr 15, 2021, 8 tweets

The US reported +921 new coronavirus deaths yesterday, bringing the total to 578,098. The 7-day moving average declined slightly to 747 deaths per day.

The US had +78,876 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 yesterday, bringing the total to over 32.1 million. The 7-day moving average rose slightly, remaining at over 72,000 new cases per day.

20 US states had over 1,000 new cases yesterday. Michigan led the pack with over 9,000 new cases, followed by Florida, New York, and Pennsylvania with over 6,000 each.

New hospital admissions in the US due to COVID-19 are up +7.0% from a week ago.

The number of people hospitalized in the US due to COVID-19 are up +6.3% from a week ago.

The positive test rate in the US remains at 5.2%.

The US administered 2.6 million vaccine shots yesterday, bringing the total to 195 million, or 58.7 doses per 100 people. The 7-day moving average declined slightly to 3.35 million shots per day.

47.6% of American adults have received at least one vaccine shot; 29.6% are fully vaccinated (I just became one of them).

79.6% of Americans over age 65 have received at least one shot; 63.0% are now fully vaccinated.

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