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Author. Prof of Math Bio and Public Engagement Books - "Math(s) of Life and Death" "How to Expect the Unexpected" Get here

Apr 16, 2021, 10 tweets

Short 🧵 on case data.
This week sees a big milestone:
All UK Local Authorities have fewer than 100 cases per 100K (7-day rolling average).
TL:DR Generally cases continue to fall in most regions and in most age-ranges, but that doesn't mean this will continue as we open up.

Cases (per 100K) continue to fall in all home nations. Bigger falls in England and Scotland, smaller in Wales and NI.
All nations are now below 40 per 100K.
Still some way to go before we get back to September levels, but good news.

Cases have fallen in al regions.
Although Yorks & Humber remains the highest cases continue to fall there.
North West nearly back to its (albeit highest of all regions) September level. Some others getting close but others still some way off.

All local authorities in England have fewer than 100 cases per 100K.
237 out of 315 English local authorities showed reductions and those that increased were from a low level.
The top 20 English LAs are given in the second figure.

Almost all Scottish, Welsh and NI LAs showed reductions in the number of cases per 100K.

In all regions of England cases per 100K for under 20s dropped week on week.

Similar drops in cases per 100K are seen in 20-59 year-olds acorss England, but the falls are less pronounced.

Cases per 100K for over 60 year-olds have stabilised for all regions at low levels except for Yorks & Humberside which has shown a small rise.

Important to remember that most schools are still out for Easter and the impact of the most recent relaxations will not appear here
But, overall it's a good picture. Cases coming down in all nations, all regions of England and across the different age groups to differing degrees

Thanks as always to Bob Hawkins for his help with preparing the data.

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