Alastair Thompson Profile picture
Climate, Conflict, Politics, Africa. Editor (NZ) Reporting from France. #nzpol #DesertRain

Apr 17, 2021, 6 tweets

#ArabianStorms #RamadanRain Day 5 begins, around 1pm.

And a close up view of the storms sparking up. A quick scale reminder. The area covered in this .gif is larger than France+Spain.

The Mercator Projection has a lot to answer for.

The full cloud field associated with today's #ArabianStorms - stretching all the way to Tehran - has grown to 2.6 million square KMs. A bit bigger than Algeria and a bit smaller than Kazakhstan. The active storm portion of this is smaller, about the size of France + Spain.

Reduced back to the area of active recent convection we still have 177,000 sq kms an area larger than the state of California.

It hasn't rained yet in Mecca/Makkah this week, even though rain is forecast again for around now. There are many reports of rain near Mecca on twitter. See here -… - Arabic twitter Search). And there's another chance tomorrow.

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