Andrea Horwath Profile picture
Mom. Hamiltonian. Mayor of Hamilton. she/her. Get in touch:

Apr 20, 2021, 6 tweets

Today, the Ford government voted down my motions to replace Doug Ford’s police state with strong public health measures to help save Ontario.

My motions included...
#FightToSaveOntario #onpoli

👉Give Ontarians paid sick days by passing Bill 239

#FightToSaveOntario #onpoli

👉Give workers paid time off to get a vaccine

#FightToSaveOntario #onpoli

👉Cancel the extraordinary police powers completely

#FightToSaveOntario #onpoli

👉Shut down non-essential workplaces

#FightToSaveOntario #onpoli

👉Give impacted local businesses and workers a new package of financial supports

The Ford government voted my motions down but the NDP won't stop fighting to turn this ship around and save Ontario.
#FightToSaveOntario #onpoli

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