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Apr 20, 2021, 9 tweets

Our @CellCellPress @iScience_CP @Matter_CP Twitter chat about the Practical Science of Spaceflight starts in an hour! Spend your lunch hearing about exciting #space science from our outstanding panel of researchers 🔽! #PracticalSpaceflight 🚀☄️

Susan Bailey (@drspacetelomer1) is a professor at @csuvetmedbiosci where her group studies the effects of spaceflight on telomere dynamics and was an investigator in #NASA ’s #TwinsStudy. Read about her amazing work in @CellReports 👉 bit.ly/3v3t1xJ

Marc Giulianotti (@MarcGiulianotti) is a program director @ISS_CASIS, and helps facilitate the science done at @ISS_Research, including tissue #ChipsInSpace for modeling human disease: issnationallab.org.

@AfshinBeheshti is a Principal Investigator at @NASAAmes where his group uses multi-omics approaches to understand the broad effects of spaceflight on human physiology. Check out some of this incredible work here: bit.ly/3v5KWUo

@Mason_Lab is an Associate Professor and Director of the WorldQuant Initiative @WeillCornell. His group aims to understand the genetic defenses that will enable long-term human space travel. Go to bit.ly/3v5KWUo to see some of Dr. Mason's incredible work on Space Flight!

@JNwanajiEnwerem @HarvardMed studies #EpigeneticAging, including the biological effects of long-duration space travel. Read his work in @CellReports: bit.ly/3gqYaXQ

@StaffW is the co-founder + Chief Technology Officer of @AirCoNYC where he leads a team scaling technology that transforms CO2 into products for both space + consumers on Earth. Read his perspective @iScience_CP on CO2 for orbital refueling: bit.ly/3v6fN3m

@SarbajitBanerj1 @TAMUChemistry was recently named a @NASAIAC fellow. His team will explore the possibilities of using lunar regiolith as construction material with @TEESResearch: bit.ly/3efJYyi

The Twitter chat on #PracticalSpaceflight has begun! Check out the questions & ask your own in the thread below! 🚀🌟⏬

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