Christiaan Triebert Profile picture
Visual Investigations at @nytimes. Previously with @Bellingcat, @Airwars. DMs open.

Apr 22, 2021, 7 tweets

Satellite imagery of Ndjamena reveals the heightened state of alert in the Chadian capital after President Idriss Deby was killed whe commanding troops at the front on April 20. 🛰️📸: @Maxar (…)

The death of Déby, who ruled the country with an iron fist for three decades, comes barely a week after FACT rebels crossed from Libya into Chad. One of their shells apparently exploded near Déby's vehicle. More by @declanwalsh/@AdamouNdjam/@ElianPeltier:…

The FACT (Front for Change and Concord) rebels threatened to march on Ndjamena this weekend. Whether they can deliver on that threat is unclear: Chadian Army claim heavy rebel losses and foreign officials are unsure how far they are from the capital.

As fighting in Libya ended, Chadian fighters returned home for the uprising they launched against Déby on April 11. Small but interesting detail: one of Toyota's seen in footage published yesterday, apparently from around Miski, indeed shows a Libyan license plate.

The FACT rebels appeared to be traveling in the same kind of armored vehicles that the United Arab Emirates had donated to Haftar's Libyan National Army, @_hudsonc told @nytimes. They may have brought advanced weaponry from Libya to Chad too.…

It's worth pointing out that some of the footage of the FACT fighters is archival, not recent — e.g. this footage (left image, which includes an Emirate-made Panthera T6) which was already published back in July 2020 (right image)…

Another example: a video of heavy exchange of fire allegedly shows “a big war going on in Chad.” Piga Firimbi's @truthjabali took a closer look and found that the video is actually from Iraq.…

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